  • 學位論文


A Study of Entry Strategy of Craft Beer Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


臺灣的啤酒市場有其獨特的發展軌跡,不僅同為啤酒文化進口國的日本一般,為「先有啤酒,而後有啤酒廠」的啤酒產業發展模式,更因1933年起實施的長期啤酒專賣,造成臺灣啤酒口味的單一化,在這樣的背景下,1987年開放進口啤酒、2002年開放民間釀酒後,民間廠商不管在啤酒生產、通路經營與品牌建立上皆須面對許多困難,即便擁有釀造高品質精釀啤酒的技術,成功發展者仍屈指可數,更多的是不堪虧損而退出市場,市場特性的影響可見一斑,故精釀啤酒廠商所採取的經營模式對於進入臺灣精釀啤酒市場的影響甚鉅。 因此本研究透過深入研究臺灣啤酒產業的沿革,以了解專賣與公賣對台灣啤酒文化的影響;並實地研究精釀啤酒的發展取得初級資料,彙整臺灣精釀啤酒產業的初級資料與次級資料,以Osterwalder提出的九宮格模型,發展出適合臺灣市場特性的精釀啤酒商業模式,並以五力分析與價值網檢視該商業模式。 在回顧文獻、研究產業並建立商業模式等過程後,本研究整理歸納出四點管理實務建議,提供欲進入臺灣精釀啤酒市場之廠商,作為擘劃商業模式的參考;也讓既有廠商檢視其商業模式,確保其符合臺灣精釀啤酒市場之特性。(1)積極與產業各角色合作,創造機會、(2)善用委託代釀趨勢以專注於品牌行銷、(3)注重通路銷售,發展即飲與非即飲銷售通路、(4)發展經營策略需以價值為本,方能看見更多機會。


Taiwan has its unique path of beer industry development. Taiwan and Japan are both beer-importing countries with development model that beer exists before beer breweries are set. However, started in 1933, the long-term government monopoly of beer has unified the flavor of Taiwanese beer market, making it more difficult for new breweries to operate in terms of beer manufacturing, channel development and branding after deregulation of private beer-brewing in 2002 even though they possessed good brewing skill and were able to brew high quality craft beer. The number of firms that success and still operate in the craft beer industry is far less than those left the market. Therefore, the business models firms adapt are critical when entering craft beer market. This study investigates thoroughly the influence of government monopoly of beer on the beer culture in Taiwan and develops business model for craft beer market in Taiwan based on the collection and analysis of primary data and secondary data. The business model is also evaluated by five forces analysis and value net to make sure its competitiveness. Finally this study concludes four managerial advices as references for both existing and potential entry firms. First, firms should actively cooperate with various roles in craft beer industry to create more opportunities. Second, potential firms can leverage the trend of collaborating with other breweries to brew beer instead of owning brewery itself so that firms can focus limited resources on marketing and branding. Third, firms should emphasize on channel development, including on-trade and off-trade channels. Fourth, when generating strategy, firms should focus on the value creation and delivery so that more opportunities will be took into consideration.


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