  • 學位論文


Study on Optimizing Vulnerability Map and Energy Requirements for Hsinchu Water Supply System

指導教授 : 童慶斌




It is inevitable to face the more often and intensive extreme weather and hydrological events in the sustainable development of human society. How to develop Water resources management systematically becomes an urgent and important issue gradually. In this day, a lot of water resources adaptations are developed in order to effectively prevent and mitigate the impact, which were probably caused by climate change. However, the execution of coping strategies will result in the consumption of energy and without well design it will become a vicious circle to worse climate change and global warming. This study aims to optimize the distribution of water strategy by Tabu search under different drought scenarios in Hsin-Chu area. With the optimized strategy, the impact to water supply system will be effectively reduced and the vulnerability map will be drawn to highlight the hot spot in the system. In addition, this study also simulated desalination plant in Hsinchu Nanliao joining into an existing water resources facilities and calculated energy consumption by EPANET2 software. Through comparing the simulation results of different transportation schemes, the lowest energy-consumption scheme will be adopted to avoid excessive greenhouse gas emissions and vicious cycle of more severe extreme weathers. The outcome of study finally showed that by combining optimized strategy of water distribution and the lowest energy-consumption scheme of water adaptation strategy, the vulnerability and water scarcity of Hsin-Chu area could be obviously improved.


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