  • 學位論文


E-band CMOS Transmitter Design for High Spectral Efficiency Wireless Communications

指導教授 : 黃天偉


本論文目的主要是討論利用台積電先進的65奈米互補式金氧半場效電晶體製程,設計E頻段高頻譜效率的次諧波直接昇頻發射器。首先針對多種在射頻發射鏈路傳輸的非理想效應,進行介紹與討論。為了改善上述非理想效應,我們透過對調變器負載的敏感度分析,設計一個在本地振盪器端寬頻帶低幅度與低相位失衡的45°功率分配器,提供高階正交振幅調變訊號所需的高鏡像抑制機制。並藉由雙平衡次諧波吉伯特混頻器具有良好隔離度的特性,使用65奈米互補式金氧半場效電晶體製程,實現一個寬頻帶高鏡像抑制的IQ調變器。此調變器在55至85 GHz頻寬下,提供0±1 dB轉換增益。此外從64到84 GHz,提供寬頻優於40 dBc的高鏡像抑制。 為了進一步驗證高速數位訊號調變的效能,我們設計高效率高增益四級功率放大器作為60 GHz高鏡像抑制的IQ調變器輸出級,以提高發射器的動態範圍。該發射器在54至70 GHz能提供33 ± 0.5 dB增益。以及在114毫瓦的總直流功率消耗下,有11-dBm的飽和輸出功率。發射器能在1.7%誤差向量幅度之下,以500 Mb/s傳輸速率發射1024-正交振幅調變信號。藉由本論文所提出的討論與分析,所設計的60 GHz高鏡像抑制發射器,其頻譜應用效率可以被進一步提升。


The main purpose of this dissertation is to design the E-band high spectral efficiency direct-conversion modulator and transmitter using TSMC 65-nm CMOS technology. First, the non-ideal effects on the RF transmitter are introduced and discussed. For high-order modulation scheme implementation, the RF impairments are mainly related to the non-linearity and in-phase/quadrature (IQ) imbalance. To maintain high image rejection ratio (low IQ imbalance) of the IQ modulator over a wide bandwidth, a load insensitive analysis and an local oscillator (LO) broadband 45° power splitter are proposed to achieve low amplitude and phase imbalanced structure. In addition, the doubly balanced sub-harmonic Gilbert-cell mixer with the advantages of good LO leakage suppression has been selected in the mixer design. The IQ modulator demonstrates a measured flat conversion gain of 0 ± 1 dB from 55 to 85 GHz. The image rejection ratio is better than 40 dBc from 64 to 84 GHz. For the high speed digital modulation quality demonstration, the IQ modulator is integrated with a four-stage high gain high efficiency power amplifier (PA) to form a direct-conversion transmitter. The measured conversion gain of the transmitter is 33 ± 0.5 dB from 54 to 70 GHz. The saturated power is 11 dBm with total dc power consumption of 114 mW. A 1024-QAM modulated signal with a data rate of 500 Mb/s and 1.7% error vector magnitude (EVM) is successfully demonstrated at 65 GHz. Through the characteristics of high image rejection and the superior LO signal suppression, the system capacity of proposed 60-GHz direct-conversion transmitter can be further improved.


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