  • 學位論文


The Diversity of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall: A Study in Meaning Transitions of the Memorial Space

指導教授 : 陳東升


中正紀念堂作為臺灣紀念蔣介石最大的紀念物,是國民黨政府傳遞官方文化記憶的重要物質媒介,原先設計完整的神聖空間,但如今也成為了一個國外旅客必訪的觀光景點,是國內最高級的藝術殿堂,亦是孕育社會運動的民主地景,有時更被視為一個台北市區的大公園,如此多且歧異的空間意義是如何添加進這個紀念威權領導人的紀念空間?本文以空間三元組協助分析,因而將注重行動者在空間實作、空間的再現以及再現的空間三個層次的影響:國家掌握空間的再現而控制中正紀念堂內的空間實作、打造神聖空間,而本文將分別討論政治邏輯、經濟邏輯與生活邏輯三種影響神聖空間的路徑,探討在紀念地景中開啟再現的空間的可能性。 在臺灣政治經濟結構快速變遷的背景下,多樣的活動早在政治鬥爭聚焦在中正紀念堂之前,便時常與神聖空間討價還價。本文以正當性、可見度區分中正紀念堂內多樣的活動,爬梳各活動之歷史,並以集體記憶理論協助分析空間實作如何產生「意義」,以文化記憶與溝通記憶的差異結合日常實作理論中戰略與戰術的使用,探討不同群體如何生產自身的空間記憶、如何與掌權的管理者協商出新的空間使用方式、又如何創造出新的空間意義,增添或挑戰中正紀念堂原本的紀念意涵。其中反對的政治邏輯雖然空間的使用正當性最低,但因直接挑戰掌權者的文化記憶而可見度較高,亦能透過與國家協商的事件產生出戲劇性的效果以改變空間;而經濟邏輯則在兩廳院的權限下以較全面的戰略改變著空間,削弱了中正紀念堂的空間神聖性,並使園區部分空間邁向商品化與私有化;生活邏輯雖無意反抗官方文化記憶,卻會在日常實作中不斷推移著空間的規範與邊界,推展空間的公共化,無權者以戰術方式緩慢的改變著空間以外,也同時積累溝通記憶與自身的正當性,而可提供各群體在衝突時協商或撰寫文化記憶的素材,進一步影響官方文化記憶。 不同於過往研究偏重政治鬥爭等符號層次的衝突,本文強調看似無權的民眾之日常實作的重要性,指出中正紀念堂的意義變得多元不僅是政治邏輯運作的產物,更依賴大量民眾透過日常實作以挪用空間,積累多樣、複雜且不受當權者控制的空間認識與溝通記憶,進而能生產與延續新意義、推展空間的公共化,提供了其他邏輯使用空間的機會,也是支持或反對新意義的重要力量,更因其多樣性而擁有開啟再現的空間的可能性。


As the largest memorial of the former president Chiang Kai-shek and a must to visit for foreign tourists, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) has been a vital vehicle for the Kuomintang (KMT) to pass on their cultural heritage. From different perspectives, it can be regarded as a manifestation of grand art, a symbolic place for the social movements gestating Taiwan’s democracy during the 1980s, or simply a big park downtown. How have such different meanings been inscribed in a memorial hall that originally aimed to sanctify an authoritative leader? This research applies Henri Lefebvre’s triad of concepts: spatial practice, representations of space and representational space to analyze how the state exercises control over the landscape and how citizens react to such manipulations. The political, economic and living logics are all of concern. I contend that before high politics engaging in there had been a variety of activities happening in the place. I classify them by legitimacy and visibility, and discuss how strategies and tactics in the theory of everyday practice are used by different groups of actors to endow the place with meanings that belong to cultural memory or communicative memory, a distinction made by the theory of collective memory. During such a process the actors challenge, add to or negotiate with the meanings of the place that the state has tried to control, culminating in a complex of spatial practices. Among them the political logic that has been challenging the state is the least legitimate but the most visible and sensational, making it abler to change the existing meaning. The economic logic has rather successfully desacralized the hall, at the same time commodifying and privatizing it. The living logic has been changing the boundary of the “publicness” symbolized by the hall via daily practices that also deposit as communicative memory of the powerless, proving that it is possible for them to apply tactics of everyday life to influence the authoritative culture memory. Unlike studies that focus on the symbolic conflicts manipulated by political groups, I emphasize the importance of the everyday practices of the seemingly powerless citizens. The variation of meanings of the memorial hall is not simply a product of the political logic, but a multitude of citizens using the place as they like it. The control of the state is never so ramified enough to regulate the meanings and memories the citizens endow with the place. Therefore, I point out a different route to spatial publicness that opens its future to everyone interested in the place.


王振寰(1989)。〈臺灣的政治轉型與反對運動〉。《臺灣社會研究季刊》Vol.2, No.1, pp.71-116。
林益民(1997)〈在街頭相遇——側寫青少年舞團〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》25: 209-225。


