  • 學位論文


A Study of Southern Hokkien in Taiwanese opera and popular songs records by Nippon Phonograph Company

指導教授 : 楊秀芳
共同指導教授 : 王櫻芬


二十世紀初期錄音科技進入臺灣,臺灣人得以78轉唱片與留聲機灌錄以及聆聽聲音。唱片的內容十分多元,從傳統樂種如南北管,到新興創作的流行歌曲與歌劇,從純音樂演奏的漢樂小曲,到純對話的笑話,都可在日治時期的臺灣唱片中找到。從唱片中聆聽音樂、聆聽聲音是臺灣人新鮮的身體經驗,而這批歷史唱片不僅記載了日治時期臺灣的音樂與聲音文化,更對日治時期的語言研究有莫大的貢獻,因為它們錄下了珍貴的日治時期臺灣語言的樣貌,其中以臺灣閩南語的語言材料最為豐富。 本論文試以日治時期臺灣具影響力的日本蓄音器商會臺灣唱片為例子(包括古倫美亞唱片、紅利家與黑利家),針對在唱片中所聽到的臺灣閩南語,探討其語音特質,及嘗試為音樂中的臺灣閩南語混雜口音作解釋。本文第二與第三章分別針對歌仔戲唱片與流行歌唱片,分析當中的閩南語語音以及音樂中出現泉州音、漳州音與廈門音之間的差別,包括當中的方言口音使用情況與分佈,發現演唱者的口音不同、樂種的不同使其中的 閩南語音有所不同;第四章以古倫美亞歌仔戲唱片的歌詞卡為材料,分析在歌詞卡中的各種漢字書寫,如本字、借音字、訓讀字、異體字等寫法,及它們與聲音的關係,討論日治時期聲音對閩南語文字書寫的重要性。


Recording technology hits Taiwan in the early 20th century. People in Taiwan used gramophone to record and listen to sounds. The content of these recordings vary from traditional music such as nanguan and beiguan to newly composed popular songs and Taiwanese opera, and from classical Chinese music to humorous anecdotes. Listening to music and sound was apparently a unique mental experience for the public. In addition, historical recordings not only recorded music and gave birth to sound culture in Japanese colonial Taiwan, but also contributes to the study of languages and linguistics in that particular era, as they have captured the sound of the different languages in Taiwan including Southern Hokkien, which is one of the major languages among all. Focusing on Columbia records, Red Regal records and Black Regal records by Nippon Phonograph Company, this thesis aims to discuss the characteristics of Southern Hokkien in recordings and explain the causes and significance of the mixture of dialects. The structure of this thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 examines the phonological structure of Southern Hokkien in Taiwanese opera (歌仔) and popular songs recordings respectively, and discusses the different usages and distribution of Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Amoy dialects and the significance of music genre and performer causing the difference in language use. Chapter 4 discusses the different forms of Chinese writing shown in the lyrics of Columbia Taiwanese opera recordings, such as phonetic loan words and transcriptions, and analyzes the relationship between the writing system and sound of Southern Hokkien in Japanese colonial Taiwan, highlighting the importance of sound in Southern Hokkien writing.


