  • 學位論文


A Study on the Evolution of OTT Technology and Its Impact on the Cable TV Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


由於本研究網路與科技的技術進步,帶動了OTT TV技術的發展,改變了觀眾的收視習慣,也改變競爭關係,台灣電視產業的未來令人感到好奇。本研究主要目的在分析有線電視產業,藉由資料蒐集與整理,釐清全球與我國網路電視產業的演進,以及探討OTT技術演進之下,網路電視服務產業未來可能的發展,並以我國有線電視系統業者為焦點廠商,研究在產業不確定性下的可行策略作為。 先進國家,如美國等,網路電視發展較快,因此,本研究首先針對全球和台灣電視產業發展的歷史進行探索,了解演進過程中產業特性和發展脈絡,作為分析電視產業與網路電視產業分析之基石,包含:競爭、需求和政府,三大面向。接著,利用產業價值鏈,分別介紹台灣節目供應商、頻道業者、系統業者、消費者與廣告主,系統性回顧台灣電視的產業發展與最新現況。接著,本研究本研究以六力分析探討了有線電視系統業者所面對麵對的網路電視服務產業之現狀與 產業特性,分析結果顯示有線電視系統業者面對的是具有高度議價力的節目內容供應者、議價能力提升的消費者,以及具有優勢的網路電視競爭者。此外,還面臨法令的不確定性。 從產業分析的結果,本研究建立影響產業情境發展的重要不確定性因素,將上述不確定因素歸類成OTT相關法規開放程度、和內容供應商是否投入OTT服務,兩項情境模擬變數,再依這些不確定因素的因果關係整合建構成四種產業情境,並針對這些情境,本研究對有線電視系統業者提出若干策略建議,包括:綑綁收費、補貼內容供應商、鞏固與內容供應商的關係、擴大建設、提升服務品質等。


Thanks to OTT ((over-the-top)) technology, traditional television screens have lost their monopoly power on television content. At the same time, the evolution is changing our lives. This evolution calls for new kinds of services and has the potential to change the current television market. The future of cable industry in Taiwan attractsrouses our research interests. The purpose of this study is to provide an indepth better understanding of the recent OTT developments in the Taiwan and identify critical factors that may affect the future development of local cable TV industry, upon which our suggestions to cable TV operators would be based. television industry, and thereby give industry actors (( primarily cable TV operators)) feasible strategies for future investments under uncertainty. First, we study researched the history of television industry in the U.S. and Taiwan to unravelderstand the characteristics and development of inducstrial structure, including competition, demand, and regulatory factorsgovernment. In addition, this thesis appliesuses value chain analysis and six- force model to investigate the recent OTT developments’ influencesand their influences, consequences and strategic implications on the Taiwan television industry value chain in Taiwan. The results showed that the cable TV operators face ((1)) Studios and Production Companies with high bargaining power, ((2)) Buyers with higher bargaining power, ( 3) )Dominating IPTV/OTT TV competitors, and ((4)) Uncertainty of regulationlegislation.The aims of this study are to analyze the cabel television industry and to examine the future of television industry under the development of the OTT technique. This study focuses on the cable TV operators, and shows their feasible strategies under uncertainty. First, we researched the history of television industry in the U.S. and Taiwan to understand the characteristics and development of inducstrial structure. The analysis of television industry and OTT TV industry was based on three major factors, including competition, demand, and government. In addition, we applied the industry six force model to investigate the current situation of TV industry for the cable TV operators. The results showed that the cable TV operators face (1) Studios and Production Companies with high bargaining power, (2) Buyers with higher bargaining power, (3) Dominating IPTV/OTT TV competitors, and (4) Uncertainty of legislation. Based on the scenario analysis framework, we indentified the important uncertainties that influence the industrial development, which includes the relaxation of OTT related regulations and the investment of TV program suppliers for OTT services. Four scenarios were planned through the causal relationship of these uncertain factorsties. Facing these In each scenarios, we provided several suggestions for cable TV operators, such as bundled charges, subsidy for program suppliers, consolidationconsolidation of the relations with program suppliers, expansion construction, and improvement of service quality.


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