  • 學位論文


Archaeology as a Method: On Foucault's Archaeology

指導教授 : 陳文團
共同指導教授 : 苑舉正




傅柯 方法 康德 詞與物 知識考古學


This study is about Michel Foucault’s “archaeology” and discusses what is archaeology as a method. First, by reviewing the question about Kant asked by Foucault and discussing Foucault’s interpretation of Kant, we can see the difference between Kant’s critical philosophy and the “critique” interpreted by Foucault, which is an attitude of persistent transgression. Under these discussion, we can get four characteristics of Foucault’s archaeological method. They are the conditions of possibility, savoir, transgression and enlightment. And then, apply these four characteristics as an analytical framework, we can see The Order of Things, which reveals the characteristics of archaeology, as a case of the application of the archaeological method and get a conclusion of “the end of man”. Then under the discussion of The Archaeology of Knowledge that is related to The Order of Things, we can clarify the units used by the historians of ideas that are criticized by Foucault, and we can discover the differences between the method of Foucault’s archaeology and the others (such as the historians of ideas, thoughts and sciences). It reveals the four characteristics of archaeology inducted from our study again. Finally, the development after Foucault’s archaeology is the genealogical turn, but the archaeological method was not quitted by Foucault. However, the genealogical turn induced the questions of post-modernism which guide the discussion of the relationship between Foucault and Nietzsche. By discussing Foucault’s interpretation of Nietzsche, we can review the characteristics of Foucault’s method and his fundamental positions.


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