  • 學位論文


Outreaching Agricultural Services Policy:A Case Study of Four Farmers' Associations

指導教授 : 王宏文


我國基於基礎勞動力不足為由,自1989年開放引進移工,主要適用傳統勞力密集性等3K產業。有關農業缺工議題已研議多年,行政院農業委員會於2019年開辦外展農業移工,希冀透過外部勞動力改善季節性或臨時性缺工問題。 本文透過質性研究之深度訪談方法探討四個地區農會與農民就外展農業移工政策之執行方式及可能產生的問題,政策設計的優缺點並提出可能解決方法,作為未來政策建議。 研究結果顯示:一、外展移工之調派機制適用於農業,農會擔任雇主並彈性調派,使有限人力資源進行妥善處理,以達到資源運用極大化;二、移工僱用成本高仍被視為較佳解決缺工途徑;三、農民主動營造友善環境以提高留才可能性。 綜上,本文提供建議,透過定期檢視外展機構運作及交流意見回饋,逐步改善政策制定面與實務執行面之落差;按調派產業類別制定不同收費表標準,可減少同酬不同工之認知差異;建立試用期之特殊遞補程序,縮短農民等待空窗期;預防外展農業移工與其他農業移工之雙重聘僱問題,以避免資源濫用;開放新住民推薦親友來台務農增加留才機率。


Due to the lack of basic labor force, Taiwan has started bringing in migrant workers since 1989, mainly for traditional labor-intensive 3K industries. The issue of labor shortage in agriculture has been discussed for many years. The Agriculture Committee of the Executive Yuan launched an agricultural migrant worker outreach program in 2019, hoping to improve the problem of seasonal or temporary labor shortages. Through the in-depth interview method of qualitative research, this paper explores the implementation methods and possible problems of the outreach agricultural migration policy between farmers' associations and farmers in four regions, the advantages and disadvantages of policy design, and proposes possible solutions as future policy suggestions. The research results show that: 1. The dispatch mechanism of outreaching migrant workers is suitable for agriculture. The farmers’ associations which act as employers can be flexibly dispatched, so that the limited human resources can be properly handled and the utilization of resources can be maximized; 2. The high cost of hiring migrant workers is still regarded as a better way tosolve the lack of labor; 3. farmers take the initiative to create a friendly environment to improve the possibility of retaining talents. To sum up, this article provides suggestions to gradually close the gap between policy formulation and practical implementation by regularly reviewing the operation of outreach organizations and exchanging opinions and feedback; formulating different fee schedules according to the type of assignment industries can reduce the perception of unequal pay among different jobs; establish a special supplementary procedure for the probationary period to shorten the waiting period for farmers; prevent the double employment of agricultural migrant workers and other agricultural migrant workers to avoid resource abuse; open up new residents to recommend relatives and friends to come to Taiwan for farming to increase the chance of retaining talents.


