  • 學位論文


Co-opetition Strategy of Mobile Internet:A Study in Domestic Telecom Operators

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


行動上網把行動通信產業的範疇,由原先的語音通訊擴展到多元化的行動數據應用服務。隨著多元化服務的出現,價值鏈需要更細緻的分工。為保有應用開發提供的效率和規模經濟,所產生的價值缺口,吸引了跨產業廠商紛紛涉入。本研究的目的在於從國內電信業者的角度探討下列問題 1.行動上網如何驅動傳統封閉性的商業生態系統走向開放?2.新興商業生態系統的樣貌、特徵與參與者之間交互關係?3.處在開放性式新興商業生態系統中,角色選擇與策略作為為何? 本研究首先探討行動上網的技術發展與產業演進。並利用競合理論分析國外標竿行動通信業者與應用服務平台業者之競合,以及由行動營運商垂直整合之案例。再以商業生態系統觀點,討論行動上網的商業生態演替、新興商業生態系統關鍵者的競逐。再對國內行動通信產業進行波特五力產業分析及SWOT分析,並研擬國內行動營運商競爭策略。 研究結果發現,行動上網觸發整體商業生態系統從3G時期進到B3G時期,並正處於激烈演替階段。傳統由個別行動營運商主導之封閉式產業價值鏈,因產業分工的精細化,衍生出開放式的新興商業生態系統。而B3G時期商業生態系統的關鍵者-服務平台與標準之競逐正如火如荼進行中。國內行動營運商,由於主客觀條件均不足以直接加入競爭,建議以「參與」及「建立」兩者與時俱進,機動調整參與重心的動態競爭策略作為因應。並藉由建立以自己為樞紐之生態次系統,積極尋找轉型,找到適合自己的生態位,順應轉變占據新的生存空間,以避免因市場開放競爭而淪為微利產業的命運。


Mobile Internet expanded the scope of mobile communication industry, from the original voice communication to a wide range of mobile data application. Along with the extension of service dimensions, the framework of value chain needs to be diversified. As to retain the efficiency of application development and economies of scale, the gap resulted from the diversification of vale chain attracted many cross-industry firms to invest in. The purpose of this study came from the perspective of the domestic telecom operators to explore the following issues 1. How could Mobile Internet transform a traditional closed-end business ecosystem into an open-end business ecosystem? 2. The characteristics and outlook of the newly emerged business ecosystem. What were the interactions among the participants? 3. What were the roles and strategies in an open-end emerging business ecosystem? First of all, this study was to investigate the development of mobile Internet technologies and industry evolution. By using the co-opetition to analyze the cases of 1)The competition between foreign benchmark mobile operators and application service platform 2) Vertical integration of mobile operators. Second, from the business ecosystems perspective to discuss the mobile Internet business ecological succession and the keystones to the emerging business ecosystem to compete for those. Lastly, analyze domestic mobile industry by using Porter's five forces model and SWOT analysis to develop the domestic mobile operator competitive strategy. In conclusion, study found that mobile Internet trigger the business ecosystem from 3G into the B3G era, and is in the fierce succession stage. In the past, individual operators dominated the closed-end industry value chain. Now, after the value chain diversification, an open-end emerging ecosystem has been derived. During the B3G era, the keystones- service platform and the standards of B3G business ecosystem, are now competing in full swing during the progress. For the local mobile operators, given with insufficient objective and subjective conditions to participate directly in the competition, we propose "participation along" and "building up" as well, and to adjust their efforts on different business ecosystems as a response. By building up one’s own "sub-systems", actively seek for transformation, find out niche, adapt changes in order to occupy the new living space, avoid the open market competition, and reduced low-profit industry's fate.


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