  • 學位論文


Converting 2D StyleGAN2 as a 3D Face Generator via 3DMM and UV Map

指導教授 : 莊永裕




Recently, StyleGAN2 has gained a lot of attention because of its high-quality generation and style-disentangled latent space. Many literatures have explored different ways to manipulate the 3D attributes such as pose. It reminds us that there is rich 3D information encoded in the latent space of StyleGAN2, and thus reveals the potential of StyleGAN2 to 3D generation. In this paper, we convert StyleGAN2 as a 3D face generator with the texture and shape representation expressed in 2D images, which could be generated by StyleGAN2 with high quality. This thesis proposes a framework to combine StyleGAN2 and 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) together to implement 3D face generation. We train a module to predict 3D parameters from the latent code of StyleGAN2 as the coarse result. With predicted 3DMM as backbone, we convert StyleGAN2 to generate high-quality UV maps as the texture and shape representation. The whole training process is achieved with solely stylegan2-generated images and without any real 3D data. The following visual and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our method can generate better results compared with previous works on 3D controllable GANs.


Deep Learning 3D Face Synthesis


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