  • 學位論文


From Value Network to Analyze Mobile Operator’s Role in The Future Mobile Communication Service Eco-System

指導教授 : 吳青松


過去這幾年的行動通訊產業,除了多數的電信業者在政府特許的經營環境下仍有一定的獲利水準之外,全球幾大行動通訊網路設備業者及終端設備業者的經營已遭逢極大衝擊,整個行動通訊產業隨著技術的持續演進及消費者使用行動數據服務的停滯不前,已產生巨幅的改變。 當整個產業環境演變至此,當現階段全球3G技術投資尚無法有效改善電信業者、網路設備業者及終端設備業者獲利的同時,隨著3.5G上網卡價格的不斷下降、電信業者對上網卡及筆記型電腦的高額補貼、吃到飽上網費率的逐漸普及,3.5G行動上網服務風潮已經開始帶動未來產業服務型態的改變及未來4G行動寬頻技術演進的探討,這當中包含未來產業體系及商業模式的改變。如果此一改變無法像過去行動語音服務所建構的產業價值體系支撐此一產業,甚或支持網路設備業者及終端設備業者持續未來4G行動寬頻技術的研發及商用化,整個未來的技術發展何以進行? 又這些業者的獲利主要來自於電信業者的設備增購及手機補貼,如果消費者沒有服務使用及換機意願,如果消費者不願意增加月租費及購買手機的支出費用,電信業者也就沒有加速導入4G的意願,如此一來,整個行動通訊產業對於未來4G行動寬頻技術的技術發展將停滯不前。 面對消費者同時也是網路設備採購及終端設備補貼的電信業者,是整個行動通訊服務提供及未來4G行動寬頻技術發展過程中的關鍵性角色,電信業者如何定位自己在未來行動通訊服務的角色,如何與其它業者佈局未來產業價值網的成型,如何主導未來技術商用化的方向,如何加速消費者接受新服務的推出,都將影響行動通訊產業的未來發展。本文將從上述幾個面向就未來行動數據服務的發展,從電信業者的角度思考下列二個問題並提出建議作法: 一、 如何建構新的產業價值網,並與其它業者共同分享未來潛在的商業利益及共同分擔可能的商業風險。 二、 如何建構新的商業模式,並與產業價值網其它成員共同承擔未來行動寬頻技術的導入成本,降低消費者使用新服務的門檻。


In the past years, except the mobile operators retain enjoying certain profitability under the governmental licenseed circumstance, mobile network equipment vendors and device manufacturers have been encountering tremendous opearation percussion. The mobile communication industry has changed enormously while technology keep emerging and consumers bogging down mobile data services. When global investment on 3G still can’t improve the profitability of mobile operators、network equipment vendors and device manufacturers, yet notebook sales is rising, mobile data card price is decending, and mobile access flat rate becoming popular, mobile data service has led the change of mobile industry eco-system and existing business model. If the changed eco-system or business model can not help sustain the industry, or support the mobile network equipment vendors and device manufacturers to further develop mobile broadband technology, such as 4G, how will the future technology migration proceed? Besides, the profits of mobile network equipment vendors and device manufacturers usually come from the network investment and handset subsidy of mobile operators, what if consumers have low interests to use new mobile data services or change new handset, and what if consumers lower down their speding on mobile services or handset purchasing, mobile operatos will not be urgent to adopt 4G, and the whole industry will be bogged down in the mobile broadband technology evoluation. Mobile Operators play a key role, to face the customer, to offer the mobile service, to drive the technology, to purchase the network equipment, to subsidize the handset, to decide the business model co-working w/ content provider. Being a mobile operator, how to positioin themselves in offering future mobile communication service? how to re-build the value network of future mobile industry ? how to drive the value network to commercialize new technology & service ? how to attract consumer to adopt new mobile service ? all those decision will significantly influence mobile communication industry. This thesis is trying to answer following questions, from above aspects, from mobile operator viewpoint, to come out the suggestion and conclusion. 1. How to re-build the new value network, to share the potential benefit and risk with partners for the forthcoming new technology and service。 2. How to develop a new business model, to cover the migration cost of introducing new technology with partners, to lower the barrier for consumer to adopt new service。


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吳家喆(2015)。資訊通信產業經營模式改變之研究 - 大型企業之子A公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.10047
