  • 學位論文

資訊通信產業經營模式改變之研究 - 大型企業之子A公司為例

A Study on Business Model Change in Telecom/Information Industry - Branch A of an International Company

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


本研究以A公司在台之子公司作為研究對象,透過本研究者的長期觀察,完整闡述台灣通訊設備供應鏈之樣貌,並藉由價值鏈以及技術S曲線的理論基礎,本研究進一步提出衰退循環模式以及經營模式改變之模式,透過A子公司之轉型歷程作為模型實證之案例,驗證了本研究欲闡述之概念,也就是企業在技術世代交替過程中,容易進入遞衰循環模式,然而若經營者能即時察覺公司之衰退,並即時為公司規劃合適的新型態經營模式,公司便能夠免於極大的虧損。 另外,本研究希望藉由實際個案的說明,讓台灣其他電信同業做為作為公司轉型之參考。


This research uses a case study nethod to investigate the subsidiary of company A. Longitudinal observation was used to describe the telecom equipment industry supply chain. This study proposes interactive atrophic and business model process changes based on the literatures of value chain and technology S-curves. The subsidiary of company A was used as a real model to validate the premise that when companies are on the technology generation change path, they may suffer interactive atrophy. If the CEO is aware of profit declines, that CEO must immediately plan a new business model and prevent the company from a tremendous loss. The aim is to use the study findings as a reference to new entrants that seek to execute strategic change in the telecommunications industry.


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