  • 學位論文


‘Got Nothing but Money’─ An Examination of Overtime and Karoshi in Taiwan High-Tech Industry

指導教授 : 彭文正
共同指導教授 : 江才健


2010年9月,一則「南亞科技工程師過勞猝死」新聞震驚全臺,家屬含淚指控公司,控訴工時過長讓人無法負荷。死者姊姊更發表「過勞工程師姊姊的一封信」,泣訴弟弟每天工作13至19小時。信中透露,弟弟每天早上六點出門上班,卻到半夜兩、三點才踏回家門,不僅假日隨時待命,就連下班回到家,也要聽候公司指令,準備隨時被召回公司。出事當晚,弟弟趴臥滿是公司文件的電腦桌前,沒了呼吸。 令人震驚的是,類似遭遇在臺灣科技業根本不是新聞,「超時工作、以命換錢」的行為,是這行的公開秘密。在高科技產業裡,工程師過勞倒下的情況不僅不是唯一,甚至可謂「司空見慣」。本篇報導共訪問13位科技業從業人員,6位相關領域學生以及4位科技業主管,試圖展現科技領域的種種生活樣貌,並針對科技業不具人性的工作方式提出疑慮。 本報導以五大探討面向貫串全文,包含(1)僵化教育結構下的影響(2) 薪資優渥但生活貧乏(3)工作定義之扭曲(4)奴性思維的弊端(5)科技業根植問題,並藉由訪談以反思現今產業結構問題以及社會意識形態與侷限框架。這些面向彼此並不衝突,甚至相輔相成、互為因果。 由受訪者的論述可觀察到,僵化的教育讓考生以「錢途」為優先選擇,導致多數科技人以薪資為衡量標準,大大扭曲工作原本「長期、正向,追求自我肯定」的定義,加上「遇事但求偏安,盲聽盲從,但求無過」的奴性思維,更加惡化了科技產業僵化的工作形態。同時,科技產業競爭激烈,各大業者較量的結果,往往讓底層員工背負起向前衝的角色,這讓科技新貴在被人稱羨的同時,背負著難以想像的壓力。


科技業 過勞 超時 奴性 工程師


A death of an engineer in Nanya Technology Corporation aroused tremendous attention to the issues of overtime working. It was said that the engineer had to work 13 to 19 hours per day and would be assigned to work even on holidays. He was then found at his desk, lying on his unfinished documents, dead. Overtime and karoshi happen frequently in Taiwan high tech industry and is no longer unfamiliar to its related members. The idea of ‘working overtime for gaining more payment’ is well accepted by most engineers. This depth reporting gathered interviews of 13 high tech engineers, 6 students from the institute of technology and 4 supervisors in related filed to point out controversial issues in the ways of living in high tech industry. This depth reporting focused on several viewpoints: (1) the lacking of innovation in education (2) phenomenon of high payment but low living qualities (3) the distortion to the definition of working (4) drawbacks caused by servility (5) the inner problems of high tech industry. Without being contradictive, these viewpoints complement each other to bring out the matters of industrial structure problems and the limitation caused by social ideology.


high tech industry overtime karoshi servility engineer


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