  • 學位論文


Determining Optimal Access Charge in Vertical Separated Rail Network

指導教授 : 賴勇成


近年來,許多國家對於鐵路事業著手進行制度上之改革,改革方式可劃分成「車路合一」和「車路分離」兩大型式。在此潮流之帶動下,鐵路市場逐漸走向開放與自由化,而這將使軌道擁有者面臨如何將路權租借給車輛營運業者之問題;因此,軌道收費議題開始受到重視。過去有關軌道收費之文獻,其所提出的收費方式大多使軌道擁有者難以達到收支平衡;再者,由於軌道擁有者與營運業者間缺乏有效的溝通過程,故所訂定之通行費較為決定性。 本研究將透過雙層規劃模式的建立,探討車路分離路網下最適通行費之課題,且本研究所提出的模式可劃分為兩種類型:利潤導向模式與系統效益導向模式。模式中,通行費的價格由軌道擁有者訂定,且納入營運業者對於通行費價格之反應;本模式同時將旅客需求受到票價與通行列車數影響之特性,以一需求彈性帶入模式中,使本模式隱含著同時考量人、車、路等三方之關聯性。故本研究所計算出的最佳解,為不同決策者之間經過多次反覆協商而最終達到平衡的結果。本研究所建立之模式可應用於特許期結束後之台灣高鐵經營型態,政府擁有資產所有權與負責基礎設備之維修,高鐵公司負責高鐵運輸服務之經營,而所得到的分析結果將可提供政府未來之參考依據。


Access charge is an important issue in the railway industry. Existing approaches for estimating access charges cause infrastructure managers barely make ends meet. Moreover, since lack of negotiation process between infrastructure managers and operators, the obtained results of access charge are deterministic. Our study develops a bi-level programming model to determine the optimal access charge for vertical-separated rail network. The reactions of operators when facing different prices of access charge are considered in our model, and we also use passengers’ demand elasticity to simplify the complex relation between passengers and operators. In case study, we plan to implement our developed models to the operation schemes established based on Taiwan High Speed Rail System. By utilizing the proposed model, we can achieve a responsive balance among infrastructure managers, operators and passengers, obtaining the optimal access charge, number of trains and ticket price.


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