  • 學位論文


Joint-Cost Allocation and Pricing Scheme of Shared-Taxi Services

指導教授 : 張學孔


計程車共乘對於社會面、司機面及乘客面均有正面助益,因此各國共乘計畫早已行之有年。由於計程車副大眾運具之角色,一般運費須受法令管制,而共乘費率之訂定亦須經過審核。一般而言,共乘媒合研究在進行配對時,會將票價定為一固定值,視票價為共乘總系統中的內部轉移費用(transfer payment)。然而,共乘費用在許多研究中均顯示為推行共乘之重要誘因,若缺乏健全的共乘費用制度及足夠的車資優惠誘因,實難達成落實民眾使用計程車共乘的構想。目前國內外計程車共乘費率模式尚無統一標準,實務上係以固定費率或加成上限之管制為主,而固定費率分攤方式適用於同一起、迄點之共乘,對於不同起點或迄點乘客,除了不公平,易使司機與乘客間引起爭執,亦會間接降低使用共乘意願。因此建立公平的共乘收費標準是計程車共乘規劃應著重之課題。 回顧過去共乘實施案例及相關研究後可知,惟有兼具效率及公平的共乘制度才能長期運作,且健全的共乘運價設計應能使政府、業者與乘客三方互惠。本研究在維持效率最佳化之共乘媒合下建立收費標準,使費率訂定能符合公平、合理的目標。本研究考量共乘服務之特殊營運型態,係以客觀營運情形來反映司機所需之加成比例,期能維持加成之合理性;而在乘客面中,係考量個別乘客之共乘特性,應用合作賽局理論中的「夏普利值」(Shapley value)進行公平性費用分攤。另外,應用公平性費用分攤模式所求出的分攤費用會使共乘需求特性迥異之利潤差異減小,增加營運之公平性。此外,分攤結果亦可使政府補助金額減少,讓欲推動共乘服務的政府降低財政壓力,有助於計程車共乘永續營運之能力。


Shared-taxi system benefits all aspects of the society, drivers and passengers, thus numerous programs have been initiated by many countries decades ago. The fare of regular taxi is supervised by the government because of the role of para-transit, so is the fare of shared-taxi. In general, most studies of matching passengers for shared-taxi considered fare as transfer payment within system therefore neglect its effect, and simply set up fare as a fix parameter. However, it has been shown in previous studies of shared-taxi that fare is a major incentive to successful shared-taxi system. The existing fare models for shared-taxi are not consistent, including the fix fare and the upper bound of additional proportion which are extremely unfair for passengers matching from different OD pairs, and may easily bring about argument. In the long term, the unsound fare model would lead to fail shared-taxi system. Consequently, development of a fair pricing scheme for taxi sharing is a critical issue. After reviewing the relative cases and studies, the sound fare design should contain the properties of effectiveness as well as fairness. It should also meet the benefits of drivers, passengers and government. The aim of this research is to develop a fair and reasonable fare model for shared-taxi system under optimal vehicle routing for passenger matching. Considering the special characteristics for drivers, a method of additional revenue proportion based on operational condition was proposed. As for the aspect of passengers, the individual properties has been taken into account when allocating join-cost and determing shared fare fairly base on the Shapley value, which is one of superior models of cooperative game theory. In addition, the shared fare solved by the fair model could reduces the gap of profits between different demand districts, thus it could eliminates unfairness for operators. It is also shown that with this fair model, the subsidy could be reduced, and the government is willing to advocates the shared-taxi planning thus could encounter lower pressure of financial affairs, and enhance the sustainable operation.


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張毓倫(2016)。考量鄰近與順路之一對多 計程車共乘媒合演算法〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0405437
