  • 學位論文


The Effect of China’s Air Pollution on Taiwanese Health

指導教授 : 江淳芳


空氣污染是造成健康問題的重要因素之一,包括對呼吸道和心血管疾病等健 康影響。此篇論文探討中國空氣污染透過北風對台灣空氣污染,以及台灣民眾 呼吸道和心血管疾病死亡率的影響。中國空氣污染透過北風造成台灣的 PM2.5、 PM10、NO2 空氣污染物增加。在台灣各地區以南部受中國空氣污染影響最為嚴 重。在季節方面,則是春天和冬天受中國空氣污染影響較大。對台灣民眾健康影 響方面,為了解決台灣空氣污染與中國空氣污染的內生性問題,使用中國 PM2.5 與北風交乘項當工具變數。結果顯示,中國空氣污染透過北風對台灣的呼吸道及 心血管疾病呈現負面影響,在各年齡層方面,對嬰幼兒影響最大。


This study analyzed how Taiwan’s air pollution and Taiwanese mortality rate of res- piratory and cardiovascular diseases are affected by China’s air pollution through North wind. We found that China’s air pollution through North wind increases Taiwan’s PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 concentration. Furthermore, the southern of Taiwan suffer from China’s pollution the most, and such effect on Taiwan’s air pollution is most severe in spring and winter. As for its effect on mortality rate, since Taiwan’s air pollution and China’s air pollution are correlated, we use the interaction between North wind and China’s PM2.5 as an instrumental variable to overcome the endogenous problem. The results show that China’s air pollution through North wind has a negative impact, especially for infants.


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