  • 學位論文


Focused ion beam selective closing and opening of ordered anodic alumina nanochannels

指導教授 : 莊東漢
共同指導教授 : 王玉麟


本論文主要是著重在研究使用聚焦離子束直接轟擊的方式來關閉或打開規則有序的氧化鋁奈米微管並在其陣列中雕刻出實驗設計的圖形,實驗中除了仔細觀察氧化鋁微管開關洞的現象,並進一步探討其與離子轟擊能量之間的關係。 最初用來關閉的規則氧化鋁微管陣列是經由聚焦離子束微影雕刻技術所製造而成的,在離子轟擊實驗過程中,氧化鋁孔洞直徑不僅會隨著轟擊時間而變化,並且經由變換轟擊離子能量來打開或再度關閉其孔洞,這樣特別的氧化鋁陣列不論在光學、電學、磁學方面都有極大的運用性,而其利用聚焦離子束開關孔洞的新發現也對未來創造了無限的可能性。


聚焦離子束 氧化鋁


The thesis describes a novel process to selectively close and open certain region of an anodic alumina nanochannel array by bombarding its surface with high and low energy focused-ion-beam respectively. This ion induced gating technique provides a platform for the selective growth of different materials into different regions of a nanochannel array and facilitates the fabrication of multi-element nanowire arrays on an anodic alumina substrate. Since this unique substrate, which has self-aligned nanochannels of extremely high aspect ratio, is being extensively exploited for the fabrication of ultra high density magnetic recording medium, surface enhanced Raman substrates, metamaterials with unusual optical properties, and nanocomposites with multiple elements, etc., a successful process opens up numerous possibilities for the creation of nanowire arrays with desired geometry.


FIB alumina


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