  • 期刊


Fabrication of Nanostructured Porous Anodic Alumina



本研究是利用草酸水溶液為電解質進行鋁薄片的陽極處理,以製造出具有均一性奈米孔洞陽極氧化鋁(porous anodic aluminum oxide,簡稱PAAO)模板。首先在鋁薄片以電化學方式予以表面拋光,才能得到表面平滑,較佳的均一起始反應條件。再施以直流分別通入20V,30V,40V,50V,60V及80V等不同的電壓,且控制在不同的溫度下來探討鋁薄片表面氧化鋁層奈米孔洞的形成機制,以SEM來觀察其外形及孔洞大小。實驗結果發現電壓若是過低或過高將無法形成較佳的奈米結構,溫度亦是影響結構好壞的關鍵,溫度過高也將使得氧化速率過快而致使表面無法生成孔洞大小一致的奈米結構,溫度降至5℃時反應速率趨於穩定,3℃始能得到一個較佳的表面奈米結構。多孔奈米結構的孔徑大小則是由陽極的電壓來決定,在30V到60V的範圍內,孔徑與電壓成正比的線性關係。在陽極處理電壓40V及溫度3℃時能製作出奈米結構較良好的陽極氧化鋁膜,孔徑大小為50nm。


The purpose of this study was to use oxalic acid aqueous solution as the electrolyte which anodizes the aluminum foil to produce a homogeneous nano-porous anodic aluminum oxide (PAAO) template. First, we made the surface of an aluminum foil smoother by using the electrochemical method to get a better initial state. Second, while applying different direct currents such as 20V, 30V, 40V, 50V, 60V and 80V, we controlled different temperature to investigate the formation mechanism of nano-pore aluminum oxide layer, observed the forming morphology and pore size by SEM. Our results showed that if the voltage was too low or too high, forming better nanostructures could be difficult and challenge. Thus, the temperature was the key factor in determining good or bad of the structure. High temperature made the surface too quickly oxidation and that could not generate pore size in uniform nanostructures. By reducing the temperature of anodization, we observed the reaction rate in 5℃ was stable. 3℃ was the best temperature to allow us to get a better nanostructures. Additionally, our results showed the pore size of porous nanostructure depended on the anodization voltage. In the range of 30V and 60V, there were a positive linear correlation between voltage and pore size. In summary, anodizing voltage in 40V and temperature in 3 could facilitate better quality of anodic alumina membrane with pore size in 50 nm.


