  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃崇興


摘 要 在資訊爆炸的今天,各企業無不尋找最適當且有效傳遞行銷訊息之媒介。而以現今的科技發展,由於手機可精準、個人化且即時的將訊息傳送到目標顧客群,故行動電話逐漸成為現代行銷管道的新寵,此亦代表「個人化溝通時代」已然來臨。本研究將重點放在「非金錢誘因性簡訊」,希望能夠以發送非金錢誘因性簡訊,以傳遞給予消費者其他附加價值之資訊與更貼心的服務,更緊密建立與維持和消費者間長期之良好顧客關係。本研究透過實驗設計,希望能測試消費者對於此類型「未具金錢誘因」之簡訊回應率狀況,以及探究何種因素會造成回應率之不同。 本研究將自變數分為三者:簡訊內容、發送時間點、發送對象,透過實驗設計的方式,設計出三組不同的簡訊形式。其中「新資訊提供型簡訊」,是以提供對其顧客具有附加價值且與其權益相關資訊簡訊。主要測試的變數為:發送對象─模組名單與非模組名單群體,與發送時間點─早上、中午、下午。測試結果可得到發送對象之不同對於簡訊回應率有顯著影響;發送時間點不同對回應率也有影響:其中早上發送與中午發送時間點有顯著影響。另外若將分別就模組名單來看,可發現發送時間點之不同對於回應率沒有顯著影響;而就非模組名單,可發現早上發送簡訊之回應率明顯高於中午與下午發送簡訊之回應率。「關懷問候性簡訊」中,其回應率相當低,此類型之簡訊消費者之注意程度與反應較差,相較於「新資訊提供簡訊」可推知不同簡訊內容之呈現,確實會影響回應率。「服務效能檢視型簡訊」主要透過實驗設計方式,檢視透過簡訊發送之資訊,消費者之回應狀況是否合理。而經過資料蒐集與比對之後,可證實以簡訊所傳送之資訊,消費者之回應狀況確實是合理正確,故決策者可將此結果運用在擬定策略之參考依據。


行動行銷 關係行銷 簡訊 回應率


Abstract In recent years, enterprises are eager to discover the most proper and efficient media to market their products/ service via the latest information technology. Mobile phone, a widely-used communication device, can deliver information to the target customers through SMS precisely and in a timely manner. As a result, many companies are devoted into developing SMS as their next generation mobile marketing method. In this research, we concentrate on the “non-incentive SMS” which provides value-added information and intimate service in order to establish a long-term relationship with customers. We use the “Experimentation” method in this study to investigate the “non-incentive SMS” responses and what kinds of factors influence these responses (dependent variable). We manipulate three independent variables: SMS content, sending time and sending target. After that, three different types of experiments are developed. “New information providing SMS” is designed with two independent variables- “sending target” and “sending time”. Based on the results from our test, we uncover that “sending target” is indeed significant to the responses. “Sending time” is also important, but only “send in the morning” and “send at noon” have significant impact to the responses. Furthermore, we discover “sending time” has no noteworthy effect on responses from the module-selected targets that are more likely to buy something from the company. In contrast, non-module-selected targets are notably affected by the “sending time.” The “send in the morning” group is much more responsive than “send at noon and in the afternoon” group. “Caring SMS” has an extremely low response to analyze effectively. Comparing the response of “New information providing SMS”, we can conclude that “SMS content” is indeed an influential factor to the response. According to results generated from “Service efficiency surveying SMS” we can prove that customers who received SMS responded appropriately. Therefore, managers can utilize this survey result to make optimal strategic decisions.


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