  • 學位論文


Surveys on the of Domestic Insect Pet Market in Taiwan and a Proposal for the Management Strategy, Quarantine of Imported Living Insects

指導教授 : 楊平世
共同指導教授 : 陳郁蕙(Yu-Hui Chen)


本論文透過訪談、網路探尋及問卷調查,研究目前台灣寵物昆蟲市場與外國輸入甲蟲之現況,藉實地探訪及網路搜尋台灣目前主要販賣外國種類活體昆蟲的據點,發現昆蟲商店及網站共有15處。目前流通於國內寵物昆蟲市場的外國種類的鍬形蟲成蟲及幼蟲共有17屬128種,兜蟲的成蟲及幼蟲共有13屬35種,可見外國種類的活體昆蟲在國內寵物市場的利用情形已相當的廣泛。一般民眾的問卷調查結果得知,有71.19%比例的受訪者知道何謂外來入侵生物,有90.30%比例的受訪者認為外國種類的寵物昆蟲若是管理不當而逸至野外,會造成台灣自然生態上的損失,可見得大多數民眾都認為外來生物會對台灣的生態環境影響造成不良的影響;在有完善的管理辦法為前提的情形下,有55.68%比例的受訪民眾贊成開放合法飼養外國種類的鍬形蟲及兜蟲;但仍有44.32%比例的民眾認為沒有開放合法飼養的必要。關於民眾參與寵物昆蟲市場之消費情形,消費者購買外國種類活體昆蟲之購買情形之期望值 (EV) 為7292.01元新台幣,產值為10億5千萬元與12億元新台幣之間,國小學童之購買情形之期望值 (EV) 為373.52元新台幣,產值為747萬元新台幣;消費者購買飼養寵物昆蟲所需之相關產品之購買情形之期望值 (EV) 為10894.95元新台幣,產值為15億5千萬元與17億元新台幣之間,國小學童之購買情形之期望值 (EV) 為660.06元新台幣,產值為3億7623萬元新台幣。本研究並與相關學者及業者座談,研擬輸入的檢疫程序草案;關於寵物昆蟲的管理,本研究建議可依「寵物登記管理辦法」、「動物保護法」及「野生動物保育法」,並依寵物昆蟲的生物學,擬訂完整的管理施行辦法。




Affected by Japanese people's fondness of living insects and the fads of keeping them as pets, dealers of domestic pet market import living insects from abroad and sell them. Those insects have become a popular commodity in recent years. This project reveals that, according to the investigation, locally there are 15 sites, including pet shops and wedsites, which sell living insects from abroad. There are 17 genus and 128 species of adult and larval stag beetles, and 13 genus and 35 species of adult and larval rhinocero beetles from abroad which are now currently available in the domestic insect pet market. We can infer that living insects from abroad have already prevailed in the domestic pet market. According to the survey, there are 71.19% interviewees who know what a “invasive species ” means, and 90.30% interviewees know that without a proper handling of the insects coming from abroad, and by any means accidentally letting them roam freely in the environment way cause a catastrophe in the local ecosystem. Apparently, most of the people consider that the invading species will do damage to the ecosystem of Taiwan. However, with a proper handling of the insects as a premise, about 55.68% of the interviewees approve of legally importing and having stag beetles and giant beetles as a pet, while the others do not think is unnecessary to legally import those beetles. The data below are the current consumption status of the people involving the insect pet market. The EV of the consumption status of the consumers buying exotic living insects is 7292.01 NTD, the net product of the living insect is 1 billions fifity millions between 1 billions 2 hundred millions NTD, and the EV of consumption status of the pupils is 373.52 NTD, the net product of living insects from abroad projects to 7 millions 470 thousands NTD. The EV of the consumption status of the consumers buying relative commodities of insect pets is 10894.95 NTD, the net product of commodity is 1 billions 5 hundred fifity millions between 1 billions 7 hundred millions NTD, and the EV of consumption status of the pupils is 373.52 NTD, the net product of commodity projects to 376 millions 23 thousands NTD. A team of scholars and dealers attended a meeting debating the importing quarantine process draft, which validates the quarantine process. Using the biology of insect pets, Pet Registration Management Regulation and Animal Protection Law, etc as reference, we could devise a comprehensive management method. The ultimate goal is to find a balance between the protection of the ecosystem of Taiwan and the demand of the market.


Insect Pet Market


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