  • 學位論文


A Study on the Industry Structure and Competitive Dynamic of Semiconductor Distribution Industry

指導教授 : 李吉仁


在台灣過去30多年資訊產品製造的黃金年代裡,半導體通路產業一直默默陪伴著硬體製造業者一路成長,扮演其與上游國際半導體大廠之間的溝通角色。隨著硬體製造所面臨的代工成長瓶頸浮現,半導體通路產業也因而同遭經營困境,但這方面的研究卻相對稀少。因此,本研究擬針對半導體通路產業的結構與經營策略,透過五力分析、策略群分析與價值網分析等架構,進行系統性的探討,以期能夠為產業的經營創新與未來成長尋找出路。 本研究除了界定研究範圍與敘述通路主要功能外,首先,我們採用五力分析架構來建構通路產業結構之全貌。在上游半導體供應商以及下游電子成品製造廠的分析上,我們分別自產業規模與成長性、產業集中度與相對議價能力三大方向著手;在居中的通路產業方面,則加入產業特性因素與通路決策行為因素分析;最後再加入來自上游供應商VMI直銷方式之替代威脅,與地區性貿易商的潛在進入威脅分析,構成了整體通路產業之結構性問題研究與競爭態勢的完整分析。其次,我們以策略群分析工具為輔,歸納出產業上、中、下游之主要策略族群與其經營關鍵成功因素,並確立通路產業的三大結構性問題:(1)上下游集中、中間分散的事實、(2)供應商VMI直銷危機、與(3)產業內的完全競爭狀態與全球經銷商的威脅。 針對前述的產業競爭動態,我們進行有系統的經營策略分析,首先,透過產業分利結構分析,了解到產業現實利益分配中,以上游供應商為主要獲益者的事實,並據此推論出半導體通路產業之策略夥伴尋找模式。其次,我們開始運用價值網分析的架構,提供創造整體產業最大價值的價值創造活動建議與執行模式。最後,本論文的研究結論回歸到策略的原點,因為個別的戰術運用並不足以建構企業難以模仿之核心能力,因此,我們嘗試收歛出兩種截然不同的價值創造策略,提供半導體通路產業決策參考,分別為規模經濟型經銷商策略與利基市場型經銷商策略兩大類,期待企業依據本身的核心資源所在聚焦而執行之,希望對於通路產業未來之發展有所助益。


During the past 30 years, Taiwan has been growing successfully in IT production and becomes the world’s largest electronic production power house. Parallelly developing with the electronics manufacturing, semiconductor distributors undoubtedly played a foremost role to support the industry growth. Despite its importance, this industry sector has received little research attention in the previous literature. To bridge the knowledge gap, the present research attempts to provide systematic analyses on the industry structure and competitive dynamics of semiconductor distribution industry. To implement our research attempt, we will employe various analytical tools, such as five-force analysis, strategic group analysis, and value net analysis. By so doing, we hope that this research could furnish useful insights for industry players in their future pursuit. After setting up the boundary of analysis, we employed the five-force model to develop the structural characteristics of the semiconductor distribution industry. In examining the relationship between semiconductor supplier and electronics manufacture, we focused on the scale of industry, market growth, industrial concentration, and relative bargaining power. In order to conduct a systematic analysis of the semiconductor distribution industry, we further took into account the characteristics of the industry, the decision making process of the channel market, the competition from the supplier’s VMI direct sale, and the threat of regional traders to complete the analysis. Based on strategic group analysis, we further classified the whole industry into top, middle, and bottom strategic groups and explored their key successful factors. We further investigated three major istructural issues: (1) Higher concentration amongst top and bottom layers of the market with dispersal across the middle layer: (2) Crisis triggered by supplier’s VMI direct sale: (3) Set full competition within the channel industry and the pressure from global. Next, we focused on business strategy undertaken by major players. Upon completing examination of the profit-sharing structure, we realized that the primary suppliers have yielded the most benefit. Basded on the fact, we generated some appropriate criteria for selecting a strategic partner. Then, we applied value net analytical framework to suggest ways that would yield the best total value.Finally, we proposed two different value-creation strategies, the economic scope distributor strategy and niche market distributor strategy, for the semiconductor distribution industry. Implications and suggestions to practioners are also discussed.


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Wikipedia . 2006 . Herfindahl Index
Texas Instruments公司網站:http://www.ti.com/


