  • 學位論文


Evaluation Methodology of Urban Transportation Policy Based on Total Trip Cost

指導教授 : 張學孔


鼓勵使用大眾運輸與推動大眾運輸系統建設為當前許多國家與城市之主要運輸政策導向,大眾運輸政策所隱含之意義在於降低社會成本、減少資源浪費,達到社會資源公平合理分配,進而引導都市朝向永續發展目標邁進。在推動大眾運輸過程中,整體都市運輸政策相關之「基礎設施投資」、「各類運具稅費」、「公共運輸補貼」與「監督管理機制」等重大政策與措施之研訂,必須以公平合理與量化分析結果為依據,而「旅次總成本」(Full Trip Cost)之數量化分析,即為其中重要之基礎工作。過去對於旅次總成本之研究,大多是針對特定、局部的成本進行分析與比較,缺乏一套完整之分析方法。本研究首先彙總不同運具總成本所應涵蓋之項目,並將各種運具之外部性納入分析,以作為模式構建之基礎;其次,本研究針對都市各種運具建立一套旅次總成本分析模式,而模式中將都會區之旅次分為大眾運輸、私人運輸與副大眾運輸等三大類,再詳細將其區分為42種旅次。每種旅次總成本之計算,依社會總成本之觀點,將其區分為「使用者金錢成本」、「基礎設施成本」、「旅行時間成本」與「外部成本」等四部分。在實證分析方面,係以台北都會區為例,依所建模式分析推求各種運具單位公里成本以及旅次鏈總成本,並就數值分析結果討論其政策意涵。此外,本研究應用構建之模式進行政策評估,該政策分析內容包括「公車捷運導向之都市發展」(Bus Rapid Transit Oriented Development, BRTOD)、「摩拖車管理」及「綠色運具與小汽車捷運轉乘」等三方面所構成之相關情境。透過實證分析與政策評估結果之驗證,本研究構建之一般化旅次總成本模式與政策評估架構,可應用分析其他都市旅次總成本,作為制訂運輸政策及績效評估之工具。該旅次總成本分析模式能夠增進都市地區運輸規劃與政策評估之能力,使得都市發展能更達到公平合理與永續目標。


In the recent years, encouragement of public transit usage and expansion of public transportation infrastructures have been considered a main policy in many countries. Enhancement of public transportation policy implies reduction of social costs and reasonable allocation of social resources. It also leads city to a sustainable development. In order to have appropriate public transportation policies, it is necessary to have quantitative analysis and fairly reasonable measures when formulating and analyzing urban transportation policies, such as capital investment on infrastructures, pricing and fare of various modes, subsidy for public transportation, as well as monitoring and regulation schemes. Full trip cost is one of the measures for the quantitative analysis. Although lots of studies have explored and compared trip costs of various modes, there is lack of a comprehensive methodology to analyze the full trip costs. This study aims to develop full trip cost models for urban transportation modes. First, this study identifies components of full trip costs. Then, the study proposes mathematical models of the full trip costs for urban transportation modes. According to the model developed, this study divides all trips into three main categories, i.e., public transit, private transportation, and paratransit and identifies 42 types of trip chains. Full trip cost included user monetary costs, facility costs, travel time costs, and external costs. In numerical analysis, this study applies the models to quantify full cost of trip chains in Taipei Metropolitan and discusses implications of results on transportation policies. Besides, this study applies the models to assess various policies and strategies, including bus rapid transit oriented development (BRTOD), motorcycle management, and comparison of metro transfer with green modes or automobile park-and-ride policies. It is verified that methodology developed in this study can also be applied for other cities as tools for assessing transportation policies and alternatives. It is also shown that the full cost models developed in this study can enhance capability of urban transportation planning and policy assessment to achieve social equity and sustainability objectives in urban development.


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