  • 學位論文


Lot Dispatching and Scheduling Integrating OHT Traffic Information in a 300mm Wafer Fab

指導教授 : 傅立成


在這篇論文裡,我們同時考慮了在十二吋晶圓廠中派工與派車的問題。我們提出了一個兩階段的演算法用以整合十二吋晶圓廠中派工與派車的方法。 在第一個階段中,我們考量了晶圓廠中派工的問題,在這個階段中我們結合了數條派工的法則,並且將數條法則結合成一條派工法則,比起只考量一條法則結合後的派工法則考量了更多貨本身的資訊。在此階段中,基因遺傳演算法被用來尋找各調派工法則的最佳組合方式。 在第二個階段中,我們考量了晶圓廠中派車的問題,在這個階段中我們考量了整個廠區中所有懸吊式搬運車的交通狀況,並以此作為派車的依據。在此階段中,我們應用了馬可夫鏈來估計一條路徑期望的的時間花費,並以期望的時間花費作為我們派車,以及車輛路徑選擇上的依據。相較於傳統的最短路徑,在我們的方法中,我們以整廠懸吊式搬運車的交通狀況為考量,找出一條期望的時間花費是最小的路徑。


In this thesis, we focus on the lot dispatching and vehicle dispatching problems in a 300mm wafer fab. We propose a two phase lot dispatching and vehicle dispatching integrated algorithm. The first phase is the offline optimization phase and the second phase is the online dispatching phase. In the offline optimization phase, we focus on the lot dispatching problem. We propose a scheduler which can search for appropriate weights of several equipment-based selection rules and combines them into one mixed rule. Genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal combination of these heuristic rules. And the mixed rule is used in online dispatching phase as equipment based selection rule. In the online dispatching phase, we focus on the vehicle dispatching problem. We take the real time traffic information into consideration and we apply Markov decision model to model the estimate of the cost of traversing a congested edge. Compared with the traditional shortest path method that searches for the shortest distance path, in our traffic model we search for the path with least expected travel time.


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