  • 學位論文


From Travel Culture to Business: Overseas Travelogue from Late Qing to Rebublican Period(1866-1941)

指導教授 : 古偉瀛


本論文試圖處理1866至1941年間,近代中國海外旅行活動,如何在晚清政府、知識界與民國旅行事業的推動之下,旅行之意識、習慣與經驗,所呈現的旅行文化之延續與變異的問題。自天津條約簽訂換約,外人得依約進入中國各地遊歷,產生了諸多因外人在華遊歷的外交爭端與國安疑慮,隨著洋務運動的展開,促使清廷與朝野知識界逐漸意識到派員出洋了解世界局勢,與各國政經情勢、風俗文化,不至於在中外交涉事務有所掣肘,及改革上的重要性。晚清政府與知識界對改革的認識逐步轉變,連帶使原本在傳統文獻裡的「遊歷」一詞,所指涉的意涵,經歷了從「天下」翻轉為「世界」的過程;對海外遊歷的思索與意識的擴大、變遷,也反映在清代經世文編對遊歷相關選文的整理與部勒上;原本只被賦予在外交使署人員,與遊歷使等少數知識人間的遊歷任務,經歷戊戌、庚子之變局,至20世紀初年,以「廣派遊歷」為政策,將遊歷意識與任務,賦予在各層級官紳與知識人之間,作為出洋考察各項制度與出仕任官所必備之履歷,以及推動改革的一項重要的活動。民國以降,在中國旅行社成立,致力於向更廣大的民眾推廣「事業」與「便利行旅」的意識,通過發行機關刊物《旅行雜誌》,刊載各種海外遊記,與國外旅行環境舒適便利的報導,在旅行事業的營運與雜誌宣傳的推動之下,海外旅行的意識、習慣與經驗又呈現了不同的變化,像是過去在晚清曾經出現,卻因當時遊歷的訴求與習慣,在當時並未受到普遍關注的「便利行旅」意識,通過旅行事業的宣傳而獲得更廣泛的接受,尋求旅行社諮詢、辦理出國文件、舟車移動等便利的體驗,成為諸多海外遊記的投稿者在《旅行雜誌》中,經常被表述的經驗;而晚清時期,未能受到出洋知識人足夠認識的西方休閒度假活動,在民國以降假期制度逐漸落實,與休暇旅行觀念通過旅行事業推展的條件下,亦出現了海外「春遊」與「逭暑」的現象。不過,從本文對《旅行雜誌》海外遊記的考察來看,海外旅行與遊記的投稿,除了培養讀者對海外旅行之憧憬與意識之 外,其所承載赴海外旅行考察、留學旅居,或僑居當地的見聞知訊,使國內讀者得以對海外的進步與發展有所了解,以映照國內各項建設百廢待舉的情況,仍是當時海外旅行所重視的內涵。儘管通過旅行事業的推動、「便利行旅」意識的宣傳,及其對海外旅行活動的形塑,海外見聞知訊的撰寫與呈現,自與晚清遊記寫作中所見到的世界各國政經、風俗、文化,無論在內容與重點上已有極大的不同,但是通過雜誌的刊載以傳達各地見聞知訊,此與晚清的海外遊歷強調傳遞世界局勢、歐美各國的強盛與發展,以推動各階段改革的訴求,兩者則有相互承繼之軌跡。


This dissertation is a study of the development of overseas travel culture from the last years of the dynasty to the early years of the Republic. By Looking at late Qing officials, intellectuals and Republican elites journeys to the world, this study explores how travel account and travel business contribute to many changes and continued exprieences on travel abroad and its understanding. According to Tianjin Treaty after the Second Opium War, foreigners were allowed to travel inland with passport. There was a lot of dispute and crisis about foreigners’ travel account, including their investigatinon and adventure for business, military, or missionary purpose. Qing officials began to realize the significance of overseas traveling to gather foreign information. With the beginning of Self-Strengthening Movement, Qing officials involved in the management of foreign affiairs began to travel abroad on diplomat missions, the Chinese elites bagan to look anew at China’s position in the world and the general trend of countries in European, American, and Japan. From 1860’s to the early twentieth century, Qing diplomats, exiled reformers, and the other bureaucrats and gentlemen, their travel writing provide a lot of new experiences about attitude of overseas traveling, spatial mobility discourses, and the knowledge that must be known before starting to abroad. This dissertation will examine the transitional and constructional processes of overseas traveling consciousness. During the Republic, the development of the China Travel Service, the first and largest travel agency owned and run by Chinese, commercial travel writing occupied an important place in this era. This dissertation will discuss how China Travel Service provide many overesas travel records, reports and knowledge in their agency magazine—China Traveller, it endeavored to develop and change different expriences for traveling abroad. By establishing consciousness and knowledge of travel service, common sense and guide information, CTS and its publication helped Chinese urban readers to develop concrete ideas and experiences of overseas, including convenience of transportation, facilities for visitors, and go abroad for vacation. These ideas and experiences was rare for Qing elites. Furthermore, from late Qing to Republic era, the promotion of overseas travel and its destination still being given a role to make Chinese know various foreign knowledge and information, such as history, custom, modern city culture , international relationhip, and so on.




