  • 學位論文


Liability for Independent Contractor

指導教授 : 陳忠五


「社會分工」是現代社會發展及進步之基礎。「使用他人」既然是現代社會的常態,則如何處理「使用他人」所衍生的責任分擔,將是不可迴避的重要問題。民法對於此問題,有第一八八條之「僱用人責任」、第一八九條之「定作人責任」及民法第二二四條契約之「履行輔助人責任」等規定,共同決定本人使用他人時,本人所應承擔的風險及責任。 從民法第一八八條及第一八九條之規範,姑且可得知:本人僅在對於第三人有指揮監督之權限時,才須為第三人於職務範圍內造成被害人之損害負責。本篇論文所要反思的是:「指揮監督」之權限是否是本人為第三人行為負責時,必備的要件?當第三人是本人無法指揮監督之獨立第三人時,本人是否完全毋須為第三人的行為負責?民法第一八八條及第一八九條之劃分是否理所當然?是否有可突破之處? 針對上述的問題,本篇論文以「建物之建造」及「貸與名義」之相關案例作為研究的素材,先分析「指揮監督」之內涵與要件,以確定「獨立第三人」的範圍;其次,藉由「契約責任」及「侵權責任」之區別,探究在契約責任之領域時,本人是否須為獨立第三人之行為負責,及其背後之理論基礎;最後,在侵權責任之領域中,再度尋求有無突破「指揮監督」要件之可能性。 本篇論文的主張,是認為「指揮監督」背後所支持的控制原則,是本人為第三人行為負責的重要基礎。是以在適用民法第一八八條判斷「僱用關係」中的「指揮監督」要件時,應具體衡量「僱傭契約的有無」、「同一組織」、「工作方法及細節的指示權」、「專業能力的高低」、「地點、時間、工作內容的指示權」、「工作場所及生產工具的提供」、「約定的指揮監督條款」、「考核、獎懲與監督」、「資產的多寡及經濟上從屬」、「薪資或對價」、「工作期間之長短」等因素,與控制關係的有無,進行適當的說理與連結,才能判斷指揮監督要件之有無。並且在說理過程中,發現個案的困難,而應理解「指揮監督」的極限,而避免不當擴大「指揮監督」及「事實上僱用關係」的概念,以造成體系的混亂。 另在「契約責任」的領域中,為了避免契約上的義務任意地被債務人使用獨立第三人而架空,應例外的認為「契約功能維護」之政策目的,已取代了控制原則,而正當化本人在契約責任中為獨立第三人行為負責的基礎,也正當化了「契約責任」及「侵權責任」在「為他人行為負責」上之差異。是以,民法第二二四條中「使用人及代理人」之解釋,不應以債務人得否指揮、監督,作為判斷的依據:只要該使用人及代理人係基於債務人之意志,從事履行債務的行為,債務人即須為其行為承擔違反契約義務之責任。契約責任及侵權責任的界限,不僅可決定民法第二二四條「使用人及代理人」之定義,在適用民法第二一七條第三項之與有過失規定時,亦可區分個案係屬於契約責任或侵權責任,以決定有無「指揮監督」要件適用。 除了「契約」以外,在侵權責任的領域中,也存在著特定的情況,可取代控制原則,正當化責任的賦予:㈠當本人創設一定的表見外觀,使被害人誤以為第三人受本人指揮監督,而與第三人從事交易活動時,為保護交易制度之穩定,本人須為獨立第三人對於被害人之損害行為負責;㈡當本人依法令具有「風險集中者」之政策身分時,對於其原應承擔可能侵害被害人之風險,即不可再藉由「獨立第三人」予以轉嫁,反而須為其無法指揮監督之獨立第三人之侵權行為負起責任,才能避免法令原先所預期待發生之功能,遭到架空。 當我們能理解「指揮監督」的極限,將更能理解「指揮監督」要件在「為他人行為負責」之責任類型中,只是「原則」性的存在,只要有適當的理由(例如為了維護契約、交易制度或政策等之目的),創設出「例外」存在,要求本人為獨立第三人的行為負責,而毋須過度扭曲現實的情況,強硬的認為本人對於獨立第三人有指揮監督關係,只為了讓本人負擔責任。只是「例外」的創設,仍應特別小心,若超越了契約、法令的範圍,則有超越法律、過度造法的疑慮。如何掌握這之間的平衡,合理的適用法律,關鍵其實在於適用法律者有無足夠的智識,善用本文所提供之工具或論述方式,提供適當、符合現實的說理,並解決社會的問題。


In this high-division-of labor society, it is normal to use others(contractors) to help us accomplish things in life. However, when the person we hire to accomplish some tasks does something wrong and causes damage to other people, should we be responsible for the damages? In most cases, one should not be responsible for the third person he can’t control, because we can’t expect someone to do something he beyond his ability, and we also can’t expect someone to be responsible for excessive damages. Whereas, in some cases when someone uses an independent third person or party to accomplish some tasks but is not responsible for the damages, the conclusion is injustice: especially when the one uses the independent person or contractor to escape the duty he should bear. So, this thesis will try to figure out in which situation someone should take the non-delegable duty, and what is the real reason to hold him responsible for the duty and person he can’t control. After analyzing the judgements about the employer liability in our court, we can discover that the judgements often extensively interpret the employer liability to make the employer responsible for the independent contractor. Therefore, we should confirm the core of the employer liability, and try to explain the definition of the “control”. So that we can know what counts as an “independent” contractor. The reasoning the judgements often use to hold the employer responsible is that he makes the false impression to other people that the independent contractor is his employee. However, the real reason is that the employer is given the duty by contract or by the policy of law, and this duty can’t be avoided, or the purpose of the contract and the policy would not be fulfilled. When the employer enters into a contract with the other party, he should take the responsibility if he uses an independent contractor to help himself complete the duty of the contract. He can’t escape the duty of the contract by using the independent contractor, or the contract would be easily breached, and the contract would lose its binding force. On the other hand, the government will sometimes make legal policies against industries, such as the transport industry and construction industry. In the law of transport and construction, we can find some systematic designs trying to make sure that the industry operator has more ability to endure the risk of the industry. Such design can be called the “risk concentrator”, which means the legal policy tries to concentrate the risk of the industry to the one. So, the “risk concentrator” is still responsible for the others’ damage made by industry, even though he hired the independent contractor to execute the industry’s activity. If the “risk concentrator” can use the independent contractor to escape the risk of the industry, the legal policy trying to make the industry operator have more ability to endure people’s damage will lose its purpose. Therefore, the “risk concentrator” should have non-delegable duty for the industry, so that law policy can function successfully. We should acknowledge it’s the right for someone to escape the risk of life by hiring an independent contractor to perform the activity. However, we also should be careful, because we shouldn’t let someone abuse the right to escape the duty which he should take from the contract or the policy of law.


