  • 學位論文


Research on the Impact of Taiwan ’s Current Environmental Protection Policy on the Operations Mangement of Kitchen Waste Treatment Industry

指導教授 : 何佳安


廚餘一直都是我們日常生活中一定會產生的廢棄物,隨著人們生活物質條件的成長,民眾對吃的要求也越來越高,相對地產生剩食的比例也越來越高;我國在還沒進入工業國家行列之前,人民主要靠務農維生,家中的剩食主要用來飼養豬隻,剩下的殘渣也能搭配豬隻的排泄物為菜園施肥,雖然是將食物的資源毫不浪費,但整體的衛生條件卻是相當惡劣的;隨著國家進步的腳步,台灣社會已經都會化,都市生活環境業也跟著進步,為了處理廢棄物,政府設置掩埋場將垃圾去化,但人口迅速增加,垃圾的產生量遠遠超過了掩埋場容納的空間,於是各地興建起焚化爐,將生活垃圾送進焚化爐,焚燒後的灰渣減量後再進入掩埋場。當時,我國都會區的廚餘都是經過清潔隊回收,直接進入最終處理機構,焚化爐及掩埋場。 隨著地球資源被無限度的開發而日漸枯竭,全球環保意識的抬頭,循環經濟的概念開始產生;經濟部依據環保署「廢棄物清理法」制定「資源回收再利用法」,將環保署規定必須回收的廢棄物訂定資源化分類的標準,使得廢棄物能夠有再利用的價值,並促進廢棄物有效率的減少。 在「資源回收再利用法」實施後,被清運垃圾中的廚餘主要處理方式為養豬及堆肥,但傳統養豬及堆肥廠都面臨環境髒亂及惡臭飄散的衛生問題,在107年大陸爆發「非洲豬瘟」後,台灣嚴格執行肉品境外管制,並勸導國內豬農不再用未處理之廚餘來養豬,於是原來用養豬方法去化之廚餘量暴增,傳統的堆肥廠無法面對突然暴增的廚餘量,於是各類型廚餘處理新型技術的開發因應而生,本研究即是藉目前我國現行及研發中的各種廚餘處理方式,藉SWOT法分析目前國內最適用的廚餘處理方式,並調查國內一般廚餘處理費用,進行該產業獲利分析。以建議廚餘處理業投資應注意之風險及政府未來輔導該產業的政策方向。 本研究結果顯示,目前政府及業者普遍觀點仍處在將廚餘去化(環保觀點),而尚未重視將以廚餘為原料生產出的產品(有機肥)商業化,經濟部與農委會應儘速建立相關商品檢驗標準及農作物耕種施有機化的耕作方式,一方面教導農民正確的有機觀念、另一方面將產品規格化;輔導業者從環保業(去化)轉為製造業(生產);目前農委會僅以補助農民有機肥2元/kg、無法真正讓農民積極轉向有機耕種,且對輔導廚餘處理業者製造有機肥沒有正向的意義。故建議廚餘處理業應加強有機肥製作之工藝及銷售,而政府應該為產業制定明確的政與策方向。


Our daily life has always involved the generation of food waste. With the improvement of people’s living conditions, people have become more and more demanding as food is concerned. As a result, the proportion of leftover food has also been increasing. Before joining the ranks of industrial countries, Taiwan people mainly depended on farming for their livelihoods. The leftovers in their homes were mainly used to feed pigs. The remaining residues, together with pigs’ excrements, could also be used as fertilizers for vegetable gardens. Although no food was wasted, the overall sanitary conditions were quite bad. With the pace of our country’s progress, Taiwan’s society has become urbanized, and the urban living environment has also improved. In order to deal with waste, the government has set up landfills for waste disposal. However, as the population increased rapidly, and the amount of generated waste far exceeded the space that the landfill could accommodate, incinerators were built in various places for the collection of domestic waste. After incineration, the reduce volumes of the incineration remains entered the landfills. At that time, the food waste in our urban areas was recovered by cleaning teams and directly entered the final disposal facilities, i.e. incinerators and landfills. Because of the earth’s resources exhaustion by unlimited exploitation, global environmental awareness has been rising and the concept of circular economy has begun to emerge. The Ministry of Economy has formulated the “Resource Recycling and Reuse Law” in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Waste Disposal Law”. According to this law, the waste to be recycled according to the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency is classified according certain standards, in order for the waste to have reuse value and to promote the efficient reduction of waste. After the implementation of the "Resource Recovery and Reuse Law", the main disposal methods of the food waste were pig farming and composting. However, traditional pig farming and composting plants involved hygiene problems such as environment pollution and stinky smell. After the outbreak of "African Swine Fever" in the Mainland, in year 107, Taiwan strictly enforced the overseas control of meat products, and persuaded domestic pig farmers to stop using unprocessed food waste to raise their pigs. Because composting plants could not cope with the sudden increase in the amount of food waste, the development of new technologies for various types of food waste treatment emerged in response to this. This research is based on various food waste treatment methods currently in use and under research and development in our Country; it assesses, adopting the SWOT analysis, the most suitable food waste treatment methods, and investigates the general food waste treatment costs to analyze the profitability of this industry. The results of this study show that the government and the industry are still in the general view of removing kitchen waste (environmental protection point of view), but not paying attention to commercialization of products (organic fertilizer) produced with kitchen waste as raw materials. The Ministry of economic affairs and the agricultural committee should establish relevant commodity inspection standards and organic farming methods as soon as possible. On the one hand, they should teach farmers the correct organic concept, on the other hand, they should make the products more organic At present, the Committee of agriculture only subsidizes farmers with organic fertilizer of 2 yuan / kg, which can not really make farmers actively turn to organic farming, and it has no positive significance to guide kitchen waste treatment enterprises to produce organic fertilizer. Therefore, it is suggested that the kitchen waste treatment industry should strengthen the production process and sales of organic fertilizer, and the government should formulate a clear policy and policy direction for the industry.


1. 教育部閩南語常用辭典,https://twblg.dict.edu.tw/
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4. 行政院環境保護署網頁,https://www.epa.gov.tw/
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