  • 學位論文

旅遊消費、地方建構與媒體中介:以天下雜誌《微笑台灣 319鄉》專刊案例為例

Tourism Consumption, Place Construction and Media Intermediaries:Cases in “Share the Spirit” Magazine

指導教授 : 賴守誠


當代各式旅遊消費活動,不僅涉及經濟發展,更強調社會結構下的運作。屆時伴隨全球化進程發展的國內旅遊彷彿一套遊戲規則,其種類、樣式、用途與附加價值皆越發多元與分眾化,傳播媒體遂成為有關後現代感知能力的重要介質。值得關注的是,不少當代觀光學術文獻論及觀光凝視(the tourist gaze)取徑的重要性,國內相關研究卻多半傾向實用主義的研究價值,鮮少注意到媒體所「敘述」的文化特質,係有助於深化凝視經驗。基於上述研究利基,本研究以運用商業報導和浪漫文學間平衡技巧的《微笑台灣 319鄉》雜誌為代表性資料,利用不同研究方法,蒐集與結合個案文本與媒體中介經驗的資料來源,著重於觀光凝視之理論要點,回顧再現結構所反映的文化特徵與社會意義,同時關注媒體中介經驗的技巧與考量,最後統以梳理台灣國內觀光旅遊的新樣貌特徵與核心趨勢。 本研究結果首先發現,《微笑台灣 319鄉》系列專刊的成功,係與《天下》財經雜誌的媒介生產邏輯密切相關,不僅符應中產階級所追求的文化品味與社會地位象徵,且紀念專刊意外轉型成文化生產線的過程,符合社會建構理論。其次,綜合報紙媒體與此系列專刊的分析,顯現「319鄉」出現前後的地方概念差異;相對地,此系列專刊則明顯以消費需求為中介邏輯。最後,經關鍵參考腳本黑澤明《夢》之《水車村》以及所選個案的解析,該系列專刊內涵的主題結構與風景捕捉,可歸納成一套文化範式,具體透過主題化與視覺化來展現。簡言之,此系列專刊的成功,在於運用媒體企業本身的文化地位與旅遊消費活動的社會價值。然而,觀光產業所牽涉的層面廣泛且複雜,我們未曾輕易地視個案之內涵特徵與中介效力為台灣旅遊消費趨勢的唯一推手,亦須留意地方觀光化的反效果。


All experiences of tourism consumption today not only refer to the economic development, but emphasize the social mechanism. With the globalized process, the types and utilities of tourism have been more multiple and differentiated. Meanwhile, the tourism media as cultural intermediaries have become essential as the reflection of postmodernism. Based on pragmatism, most arguments in Taiwan hold the tourist gaze as managerial affairs, without truly concerning its social relations. With the niches mentioned above, this research takes Share the Spirit magazines as the study case. By using three research methods of qualification and by combining data of literary and editorial resources, we focus on the approach of tourist gaze, to explore the texture of tourism representatives, to analyze the characteristic of media intermediaries, and to forecast the context of Taiwan tourism. According to the results, we first reveal that the production of the series not only closely relates to the cultural tastes and social symbols pursued by the middle class, but also adheres to the social constructivism. Secondly, multiple content analyses show that the intermediaries of this series are obviously consumer-oriented. Besides, due to the explorations of the cases, we conclude with some similarities and comparisons between them, and focus on the specification of seeing and theming. In sum, the success of this series lies in the values of cultural intermediaries and tourism consumption. It is believed that the tourism industry encompasses widely and complicated, hence we never overemphasize this series as the sole leadership of the development of Taiwan tourism.


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林倩綺、陳宏斌、吳佳玲(2009)。關於旅遊:視覺的語境。 運動與遊憩研究 ,4:1,頁94-104。
