  • 學位論文


Combination of oleophilic/oleophobic filter materials for oil mist remover

指導教授 : 王安邦


大氣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)為近年來熱門的空氣汙染議題。聯合國國際癌症研究署(International Agency for Research on Cancer)也將其列為第一級致癌物,根據臺灣環境保護署最新的TEDS 9.0檢測報告指出家庭排放量約占全國PM2.5排放的17.13%,餐飲住宿業者則佔全國6.39 %,甚至高於電力業者的3.64 %,因此油煙的排放管制絕對是現在必要的防制手段。然而在市場上廣泛使用之纖維性濾材,規範僅針對初始濾效和壓損進行檢測,並未針對負載後進行討論,此外,針對親疏油濾材特性表現的研究也相當少,本文因此擬透過研究親疏油濾材個別及組合後之特性,進而與高效濾材組合及應用,以發展最新的過濾技術。 本研究首先研究單一市售高效濾材帶電特性對其經油霧過濾的變化發現:過濾效率在過濾中會快速地下降;其原因是雖然帶電可使濾材過濾效率由85.5% 上升至 99.7%,但過濾的油霧卻會遮蔽靜電,使過濾效率變差,並在30分鐘的過濾時間內,效率由98.6%下降至88.3%。此外,又因市售濾材大多為親油濾材,鮮少有針對疏油濾材之探討文獻,且只限壓降而尚無針對穿透率分布隨時間變化作探討者,因此本研究除針對親、疏油個別濾材隨時間之壓降及過濾特性分別進行量測,並依其過濾表現做特性區劃分,此外也針對親、疏油濾材組合的穿透率分布隨時間之變化進行測試分析,並發現一前親後疏(油)濾材的新組合排列方式可以更有效降低濾材過濾效率隨時間衰減的情形,最後將此應用於高效濾材中,可將原先高濃度油霧(CMD:265 nm; GSD:1.65; Concentration:5x106 counts/cm3)下之高效過濾時間(過濾效率高於90%)從35分鐘提高至215分鐘,大幅提高高效濾材之使用壽命。


Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is a critical and imperative problem in Asia. United Nation International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) had been considered it as 1A carcinogen, which means the substance is carcinogenic to human. According to the latest TEDS 9.0, it shows ratio of domestic usage and restaurant accounts for 17.13% and 6.39 % of total PM2.5 emission respectively. The proportion is even higher than power supply industries which is 3.64% of total emission. Therefore, it is crucial to deal with oil mist problem. Fibrous filter plays a crucial role in the market. However, the performance during loading and the difference of oleophilic and oleophobic remains poorly known. Hence, this study not only researches the performance of the material with different surface energy but also develops the better combination design in the market. The research first concentrated on the performance of one commercial high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter during loading. Though electrostatic property was able to enhance the efficiency from 85.5% to 99.7%, efficiency shrank sharply from 98.6% to 88.3% within 35 minutes owning to the shedding effect of filtered oil. Furthermore, most of commercial filter is oleophilic filter. Based on previous studies, there is only a few researches related to oleophobic filter; further, the penetration distribution during oil has not been discovered. Thus, here I not only presented the change of penetration distribution and pressure drop during loading but also divided the results into different characteristic regions. Last but not least, one better combination (oleophilic/-phobic) has been discovered and further applied it to improve the performance of HEPA filter, which prominently extended the time of efficiency above 90% from 35 minutes to 215 minutes under the tested condition (CMD:265 nm; GSD:1.65; Concentration:5x106 counts/cm3).


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