  • 學位論文


Traditional Houses of Han Taiwanese in Mountain Area of Meishan Chiayi

指導教授 : 黃蘭翔


嘉義梅山山區分佈著一群木造合院住宅,屋舍前方有深遠的前廊向禾埕,為數不少的案例在正廳前附加軒亭,亦有部分使用了類似市街建築的亭仔腳,共同組成了不同以往所見的合院建築類型。這些興建於日治時期至戰後初期的合院,交錯使用不同的屋架結構撐起半室外空間,使得網格狀的結構充分展現在廊道動線之上。這種體驗與一般認識到整體配置工整的傳統合院、或華麗的洋風合院,都有很大的不同,但又仍在傳統中軸對稱的範疇之內。梅山山區的居民稱這樣的半戶外空間為「涼亭仔」。 本研究發現,梅山山區漢人傳統民宅的正廳架扇,有較為穩定一致的結構形式,依循穿鬪式架筒厝的結構配置形式,展現樸素簡潔的構造形式;部分案例嘗試發展為具有正式感的漢人大厝,然而留下了發展的軌跡。於此同時正身前方的軒亭,有著較為多樣化的結構型式,代表匠師面對空間需求,嘗試發展各種結構設計,不同案例展現小心翼翼或明快自信的不同風格。梅山山區還遺留木造柱仔腳厝的形式,展現出結構的原始特質。合院群組內,正身、左右護龍經常採用不同的結構形式,削弱了嚴謹的對稱感,且建築之間的聯繫較為鬆散。然而半開放的軒亭、亭仔腳空間、深遠的出屐,以及附加雨棚,聯繫了結構差異化的不同建築物。這個過程並非經由整體的計畫,而是在時序發展過程中逐步修正,最後適應了梅山山區的環境氣候及人文發展,合院空間取得新的生活感。


涼亭仔 軒亭 穿鬪式 合院 中介空間


There is a group of wooden Sanheyuan, the Han Taiwanese courtyard houses, in the Meishan mountain area of Chiayi. These houses expand their porch toward the inner yard, and give the impression of Xuan-ting and Ting-a-kha, which also two forms of porch in Taiwanese traditional architecture but in different contexts; Xuan-ting may come from the tradition of garden recreation, while Ting-a-kha is the key topic from the research of southern Chinese shophouses. As Han Taiwanese migrated from western plain to central mountain area since late Qing dynasty, with the particular environmental and cultural influences, they enlarge and connect the different shady porches to create multiuse corridors. Local Meishanians use "Liang-ting-a", which means small cool pavilion, to imply this useful and enjoyable living space. Although most buildings inside local Sanheyuan follow the same logic of the Chuan-Dou wooden beam structural system, this study found that buildings shows two kinds of structural preference. The Liang-ting-a corridors express active and various designs while the structure form in the main hall is stable and common. This phenomenon infers that people carry some stronger motivation to urge and challenge craftsman to achieve the Liang-ting-a space. Nowadays, we can still observe that the locals use this space appropriately, and demonstrate a different but new sense of leisurely living in traditional Taiwanese architecture.


Amos Rapoport 著、張玫玫譯(1985)《住屋形式與文化》,台中:境與象。
池永歆、葉錦綉(2012)《發現客家: 嘉義沿山地區客家文化群體研究》。南投:國史館臺灣文獻館。
