  • 學位論文


Why Would Taiwanese Online Retailers Enter Physical Channels?Case Study on the Apparel Industry

指導教授 : 趙義隆


自網路興起,因其具有低成本與快速交易的特性,提供消費者另一種購物通路選擇,造就網路購物的蓬勃發展,在台灣,以東京著衣、PG美人網為代表的一些新興網路原生品牌開始嶄露頭角,逐漸在國內市場占有一席之地;但隨著網路購物市場的日趨成熟,除了傳統實體業者積極布局網購,網路品牌間的激烈競爭也使得有越來越多網路商店業者在網路上累積經驗後逆向跨足實體,如東京著衣於2009年起開設第一家實體門市,以多通路策略擴展客群。 本研究結合文獻探討、次級資料、問卷訪談及觀察法,主要探討台灣網路原生品牌從網路延伸至實體通路的動機與歷程及其國內外實體通路選擇考量因素。本研究首先探討網路原生品牌、多重通路、通路選擇因素等主題,並將通路選擇產品因素、公司因素、市場因素、中間商因素及顧客需求因素作為本研究之分析架構,在對台灣網路購物環境與現況有深入了解後,以個案研究法探討三家網路原生品牌之創業歷程、通路結構以及藉由網路忠誠度構面去分析不同個案的經營模式,最後提出網路原生品牌其實體通路選擇考量因素意涵。 研究結果發現: 1.「為服務更多網路無法接觸之客群」是三家個案延伸至實體通路的共同目的,並將網路及實體通路視為不同的市場區隔,彼此是具互補性的通路。 2. 三家個案在國內實體通路選擇部分具有共同性,皆較注重於市場面─尤其是「市場規模大小」與顧客需求面─尤其是「便利性」因素。 3. 三家個案在國外實體通路上則未達顯著共識,但與其本身在國內的選擇因素各具有一致性,PG美人網國內外皆以市場面為最優先考量;Coplay則皆以顧客需求面為最優先考量;東京著衣則皆同時考量市場因素與顧客需求因素。 整體而言,個案業者對於實體通路的經營是抱持正面樂觀的態度,相信透過這些標竿個案,可供台灣網路原生品牌其他後進者仿效。


As the internet era comes, online shopping become an unstoppable trend, and provides customers another shopping selection. Taiwan’s online-shopping market has continued to expand robustly in the past few years, thanks to the virtues of convenience and low cost which take on special appeal for both sellers and buyers. Along with strong competitions in online shopping market, more and more online apparel stores in Taiwan, like Mayuki, are expanding to physical stores, based on their click-and-mortar strategies to support and complement their existing brands. In this thesis, the main discussions are about the factors that infected Taiwanese online apparel brands’ channel selections. This study employs literature review, observation, questionnaire interviews, and three case studies. According to literature reviews, this thesis summarizes five assessment dimensions of channel selections, including corporate characteristic, product characteristic, market characteristic, middleman characteristic, and consumer demand characteristic. The result of the research will be appeared by the following statement. First, to reach more potential consumers is the same reason for the three online apparel brands to establish physical stores. Next, while facing the channel selection decisions whether in domestic or international market, online apparel brand owners should consider consumer demand and market characteristic. Third, although not all of the interviewees address the corporate characteristic, this characteristic will also affect their choices of channels to entry new market. To sum up, the online apparel brand owners regard internet and physical channels as different market segments and they believe that adding physical channels is an important vehicle for revenue growth.


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