  • 學位論文


Semantic Analysis of V2 in Japanese V1+V2 Compound Verbs that Express Vertical Direction: A Comparison with Chinese Directional Complements

指導教授 : 謝豐地正枝


上下方向是人類的空間認知概念中特別重要的概念,我們人類藉由空間中的上下方向之概念來理解時間或地位等抽象的概念。本論文的目的在於透過對表示上下方向之日文的複合動詞後項及中文的趨向補語進行語意分析來探究其多義之衍生程序及多義構造,並根據此語意分析的結果來作中日的對比分析,以探討中日兩種語言在空間認知上的差異。本論文藉由採用認知語言學的研究方法進行語意分析,闡明了多義之衍生程序及多義構造,而對比分析後的結果整理如下: 1.日文中表示上升方向之後項動詞可分為把焦點放在位置變化上的與把焦點放在路徑上的,而中文並無此區別。 2.日文中表示下降方向之後項動詞因焦點的不同有個別的動詞,而從這些不同的動詞所衍生出的意義也十分多樣化,並構成複雜的體系。相反地,中文並沒有如日文一樣複雜的區別,只用「V下」這單一的趨向補語,其意義也比日文少。 3.中文的V上從「上升」這基本義擴張成「前進」這衍生義,這是因為人類的視覺機制之一的「深度知覺」所衍生的,但是在日文中表示上升方向的後項動詞之中並沒有「前進」這樣的意義,這很可能是因為在日文中存有「SUSUMU」這個表示前進的動詞。日文中表示下降方向之後項動詞中「─SAGARU」可表示「後退」,這也是因為人類的視覺機制之一的「深度知覺」所造成的,相反地在中文的V下的意義中並沒有「後退」這樣的意義存在,這應該是因為與V下連接的處所名詞除了像「海、河、水、井、陷阱」這些少數的場所之外皆為「起點」,也因為這樣而不符合「深度知覺」這視覺機制。


The vertical direction is an especially important concept in human spatial cognition. We humans understand abstract concepts such as time and the positions by utilizing the concept of a spatial vertical direction. The purpose of this thesis is to perform semantic analysis to elucidate the semantic extension process and the polysemy structure of V2 in Japanese V1+V2 compound verbs and Chinese directional complements that express vertical direction. And then analyze the result of semantic analysis in order to investigate the difference of the spatial cognition of both languages. Based on the approach of cognitive linguistics, this thesis clarified the semantic extension mechanism and the polysemy structure. And the results of the contrastive analysis are summarized as follows: 1. Japanese V2 that express the direction of rise are divided into the one that the focus was put on a positional change and the one that the focus was put on the path. On the other hand, Chinese does not have such a distinction. 2. By focusing on different aspects, Japanese V2 that express the direction of descent vary. Meanings extended from each verb are various, and formed a complicated system. On the other hand, Chinese does not have such a complex distinction like Japanese. Chinese uses a single direction complement “V-sia”, and its meanings are less than Japanese. 3. Chinese “V-shang” is extended from the basic meaning “Rise” to metaphorical meaning “Advancement”. This is due to “Perception of the depth” which is one of the mechanisms of man's sight. However, the meaning "Advancement" is not included in the meanings of Japanese V2 that express the direction of rise. It appears that it is because the verb "SUSUMU" which express “Advancement” in Japanese exists. “-SAGARU” has the meaning “Move Backwards” in Japanese V2 that express the direction of descent. This is due to the mechanism “Perception of the depth”. On the contrary, the meaning “Move Backwards” is not included in the meanings of Chinese “V-sia”. It appears it is because place noun related to “V-sia” expresses “SOURCE” excluding the limited places such as “Sea, river, water, well, and trap”. Therefore, it is against the mechanism "Perception of the depth".


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