  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study on the Promotion of Agricultural Products with Low Glycemic Index Label in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張靜貞


隨著經濟成長、快速都市化、醫學發達及生活水準提升,衛生保健觀念日益普及,人類的平均壽命越來越長。台灣已由高齡化社會步入超高齡化社會,飲食風氣改變以及科技發展,導致國人逐漸偏好精緻化、便利性食品或是速食,然而這樣的飲食習慣會使體內累積許多不必要的熱量,更是衍生國人肥胖盛行的問題以及罹患慢性病機率提高。 近年來健康生活、維持體態的觀念流行到台灣,國人開始嘗試從醫學研究糖尿病患者穩定血糖的飲食法,以低升糖指數(Glycemic Index, 簡稱GI))飲食法作為健康飲食的方式,也就是食物在人體攝取後能有效地不讓血糖上升過快。澳洲在2002年開始使用低升糖指數(GI)標章,此標章必須透過完整的醫療實驗及嚴謹的國際標準方法方能提出申請取得。然而,目前台灣尚未有低升糖指數(GI)標章之制度,本研究之目的在透過蒐集先進國家的作法與專家意見,探討我國推動低升糖指數(GI)標章制度的可行性。研究結果顯示,對市場供給者而言,政府以政策的角度可透過社群網絡推廣宣傳,讓不知道低升糖指數(GI)標章的消費者更能認識、了解、進而購買,加上在成本面以及行銷面以獎勵措施給予支持,將會有更好的效果;對消費者而言,各通路在推廣低升糖指數(GI)標章食品時,除強調方便購買外,也需確保吃得健康,因此,建議政府輔導與優質的台灣農產品取得低升糖指數(GI)標章,營造市場供給者與消費者雙贏之產銷環境,以提升台灣農業競爭力。


With the improvement of economic growth, advanced medicine, and popularization of health concepts, the average life expectancy of human beings is increasing. Taiwan has gradually moved from an aging society to a super-aging society. In addition to the social problems of the aging population, changes in dietary habits and technological development have led the transitions in food consumption towards refined, convenient and fast foods. However, such eating habits will accumulate many unnecessary calories in the body. The prevalence of obesity among the Taiwanese people will also increase their chances of suffering from chronic diseases. The concept of healthy living has become popular in Taiwan. Many people have begun to try to adopt a low glycemic index (Glycemic Index) diet as a way of healthy eating. This study reviews medical literature on how to refine diabetic patient's diet to stabilize blood sugar and collects opinions of experts on government’s promotion policy. It is found that such food can effectively prevent the blood sugar from rising too fast after being ingested by the human body. A diet with a low glycemic index (GI) index is also beneficial for maintaining good health, heart disease, healthy weight loss and healthy pregnancy. Australia has begun to use the Low Glycemic Index (GI) label in 2002 and the application must be completed through complete medical experiments and rigorous international standard methods. However, Taiwan does not yet have a low glycemic index (GI) label. The establishment of a low glycemic index (GI) label system is in line with international trends and public expectations. In terms of cost of marketing low GI food products, incentive and promotion measures are needed to support agri-busniess from a policy perspective by creating a win-win environment for Taiwan’s agricultural competitiveness while ensuring consumers to enjoy safe and high quality agricultural products


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