  • 學位論文


Pollen Record of the Recent 3000 years sediments in Sonluo Lake, Northeastern Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉平妹


松羅湖位於台灣東北部雪山山脈,海拔約1250公尺,地處冬季東北季風迎風面、濕冷多雨,夏秋之際除了午後雷陣雨外,颱風亦會帶來暴雨,整體氣候型態屬副熱帶季風氣候,年均溫約15°C、年降雨量約4400mm,並無明顯乾溼季之分;蘭陽地區鮮明的氣候型態形塑出獨特的森林組成,松羅湖山區長期未受人為干擾,現生森林組成介於下部櫟林帶(海拔800-1500公尺)與楠櫧林帶(海拔800公尺以下)之間。 本研究採取了湖沼上部3.8公尺的沉積物,搭配6個碳十四定年樣本,分析過去3000餘年來台灣東北部環境變化之概況。岩芯全長385公分、以泥質沉積物為主,並多夾有植物碎屑,整段岩芯沉積速率穩定,約為1mm/yr。依據孢粉圖譜各屬之消長變化,本研究將松羅湖岩芯分出2個主要的孢粉帶(ZoneⅡ:3300-1300年前、ZoneⅠ:1300年前以來),再依據孢粉帶內各花粉優勢種屬消長,各細分出2個孢粉亞帶(Ⅰ-1:650年前以來、Ⅰ-2:1300-650年前、Ⅱ-1:2150-1300年前、Ⅱ-2:3400-2150年前)。 3400-2150(Ⅱ-2)年前,主要植被組成為松科、鐵杉、櫟屬、灰木、昆欄樹,森林底層多蕨類,氣候偏向濕涼;2150-1300年前(Ⅱ-1),主要植被組成為松科、鐵杉、赤楊、櫟屬、灰木,此亞帶前期氣候偏涼濕,涼濕的氣候伴隨大雨,蘭陽溪上游崩塌變多,2000年前以來氣候回溫,雨量更增,破壞原有森林體系,赤楊成為森林演替後的優勢種,此時正是符合已有研究、史前考古遺址陷入文化斷層的時期,顯示蘭陽溪流域頻繁的崩塌、氾濫事件,使得蘭陽平原不適人居;至亞帶中期約1700年前冬季季風轉強,溫度降低使鐵杉族群擴張。1300-650年前(Ⅰ-2)氣候再度變暖轉乾,蕨類與鐵杉大量減少,植被組成以栲屬、櫟屬、赤楊為主,此亞帶之上部可對應到中世紀暖期;650年前(Ⅰ-1)之後鐵杉、松科和蕨類再度增加,氣候轉濕冷,可對映到小冰期,草本植物比例大幅上升。 總體而言,除了Ⅰ-1亞帶外,木本植物所佔比例相當高,木/草本比例都在80%以上;蕨類所佔比例亦甚高,孢子/花粉比例多數時期都在50%以上。由1700年前、650年前這幾個冷暖轉換的時間點,鐵杉與蕨類孢子皆呈幾波高峰,面臨東亞季風演變下,松羅湖當代的環境變化具有高度敏感性。冷暖氣候交替也主宰了台灣東北部森林組成。


松羅湖 孢粉 台灣


Palynological studies can provide the impact of rapid climate changes on terrestrial ecosystems, since vegetation responses to climate fluctuation occurs on the order of decades. Here we study pollen record from Sonluo Lake and intend to discover the climate conditions of northeastern Taiwan during the recent 3000 years under the regime of Asian monsoon. Sonluo Lake, at an elevation of 1300 m AMSL, is an isolated basin located in Shueshan Range, northeastern Taiwan. Annual precipitation is approximately 4,400 mm which evenly distributed through the whole year. Vegetation surrounding the basin consists of the lower Quercus (vegetation 800-1500 m amsl) Zone and Machilus-Castanopsis (vegetation < 800 m amsl ) Zone. Four pollen zones are assigned in this pollen spectrum, which indicated the following climatic changes. During 3400-2000 yr BP(Zone IV), Tsuga, Quercus and Trochodendron are abundant, indicating a cool period. Subsequently, the warm climate conditions between 2000 and 1700 yr BP (Zone III) are represented by less Tsug. Meanwhile the increasing for Alnus indicates more landslides trigger by strongly rainfall under summer monsoon. This in turn suggests that summer monsoon intensified. The lowest percentage of Tsuga and fern spores from 1300 to 650 yr BP (Zone II), indicates a warmer and drier period. Since 650 yr BP, the basin experienced cool and wet conditions again evidenced by the return of Tsuga, Trochodendron and fern spore. The last climatic phases could be corresponded to the Little Ice Age(LIA), with not only decreasing of temperature but also increasing of rainfall and infers that winter monsoon intensified.


Sonluo Lake pollen Taiwan


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