  • 學位論文


The Legal Effect on the Violation of Investigation Secrecy─A Focus on the Remedy of the Injured Party

指導教授 : 陳志龍


現行偵查法制固然採行偵查不公開原則,惟實務上卻常見辦案人員任意公開或私下洩漏偵查資訊,而對被告及涉案關係人之名譽、隱私權造成極大的損害;此外,當案件經媒體大幅報導後,可能因此形成龐大的輿論壓力,影響該案法院及證人的心證,導致被告無法受到法院公平的審判。 偵查不公開原則的規範目的眾多,但在法治國保障人權的理念下,應該以人民基本權保障為中心,而非國家司法權運作順暢為中心,故應以「被告受法院公平審判之權利」為核心規範目的。 由此核心思想衍伸出「法治國原則」下應有的偵查作為,即是「偵查透明化原則」與保障「訴訟防禦權」。蓋法治國原則將整個刑事訴訟程序視為一個整體的「法律程序」,不容許存在著人權保障的漏洞,故訴訟防禦權不論在偵查或審判階段均有適用,可稱之為「訴訟防禦權保障之前置化思維」。而前置化對訴訟防禦權之保障,可為司法體系帶來諸多利益,尤其是允許辯護人於偵查將行完備之時參與偵查程序,令其及早提出對被告有利之事證,可使檢察官更客觀地決定應否起訴,並提升起訴後的定罪率、節省司法資源。 因此,偵查程序亦應該確保犯罪嫌疑人之訴訟防禦權得以順暢行使,而行使該權利的前提即在於取得充分的偵查資訊。故我國應捨棄以往「偵查密行」的做法,刪除刑事訴訟法第245條第1項規定,改以「偵查公開為原則、不公開為例外」,亦即所謂的「偵查透明化原則」。但應注意的是,辯護人參與偵查之時點不宜過早,應設定在檢調機關「完成證據保全動作、即將起訴之時」,以免破壞偵查行動而有礙於真實發現。 此外,在建構偵查程序及公平審判原則之法制時,應一併考量到現代科技設備大幅進步後所帶來的衝擊。其不僅使得保守偵查秘密更加困難,也因為加速了社會輿論的形成,而可能從外部撼動法庭內的公平審判程序,進而侵害被告接受公平審判的權利。因此,勢必需要更全面地考量科技時代的影響力,據以建構新時代的偵查不公開及公平審判思維。 在承認科技時代下的偵查透明化原則及強化當事人訴訟防禦權保障之後,本文參酌國內及國外立法例,介紹各種對抗國家機關違反偵查不公開的方法,包含「事前預防」及「事後追懲」。事前預防例如封口令、強化機關內部資訊管制等;事後追懲例如駁回起訴、移轉管轄、證據禁止、藐視法庭罪、公務員懲戒等等。由於保守偵查秘密往往與新聞自由相互衝突,因此在選擇對抗手段時,必須特別衡量國家訴追利益與言論自由的保障,尤其是網際網路的傳播速度使得事前限制手段幾乎失去功效,立法者更應該重新思考是否有事前限制的必要性,這也正是科技時代下應有的新思維。 最後,本文針對我國法上之犯罪偵查架構以及對抗違反偵查不公開的諸多途徑加以檢討,並提出建言。 首先,在犯罪偵查架構方面,本文認為宜參酌國際上改革偵查程序之潮流,繼續保持以檢察官為偵查主體的設計,但考量到刑事訴訟的重心已經從審判轉移到偵查階段,以及加強對檢察官之監督制衡,故應適度「將法官引入偵查程序」以強化對法治國人權之保障;同時,在偵查階段也有必要「擴大辯護人之參與權」,與法官共同作為偵查程序的監督者。 其次,針對檢調機關不當公開偵查資訊以至於侵害被告受法院公平審判權利之問題,國內及外國立法例提供之解決方案,本文認為均不足以適當彌補當事人所受之損害。因此,擬提出「有條件開放偵查中閱卷權」之方式作為被告之救濟途徑。 該方案係著眼於現行法制無法完全貫徹偵查不公開原則的觀點,以開放偵查中閱卷權的方式,讓辯護人得以在國家機關不當公開資訊時,能獲得對社會大眾發表「平衡性言論」以澄清視聽的機會,並救濟當事人所受到的名譽、受公平審判權之損害。但開放偵查中閱卷權的同時,應一併加強法院的人力、物力以及職業訓練,方能令法院有足夠能力判斷是否存在開放閱卷權之必要性。


The operation of criminal investigation in Taiwan is secret, it ensures the advatageous position of the investigative organizations and presumption of innocence of the accused. However, some investigators often improperly reveal information about the suspect, resulting in great damage on its reputation and privacy. As the case being distributed among the media, the judge and the witness might be affected by the news and the coming public opinion, and this phenomenon will infringe upon the accused’s right to a fair trial. Moreover, the suspect are totally banned to access to the file during investigation, lead to an obstruction of its defense right. Under the rapid progress of the technology,the investigation and trial procedure face greater challenges. In the former procedure, high-tech electronic equipment could be easily applied on spying, causing keeping secret more difficult; in the latter procedure, the spread of information is faster than before, especially on the internet, which means that the damage from disclosuring secrets would be more critical. In other words, we should not only check the trial procedure to determine whether the accused’s right to a fair trial being infringed, but also taking investigation into account. According to the rule of law, the government should maximize the protection of human rights, especially thinking highly of the accused’s right to a fair trial in criminal procedure. To solve the practical problems shown above, we should correct the current investigation procedure in two aspects. One is introducing the principle of transparency, the other is opening access to the file dutring investigation. In the former aspect, the investigation procedure must be transparent for the accused, so they could address advantageous evidence to the prosecutor, making the investigation more correct, and simultaneously protect their defense rights. Consequently, the best moment for attorneys to take part in the investigation, is after ensuring evidence but before prosecution. In the latter aspect, the accused should have access to the file while the investigator’s disclosure of information destroy the fairness of the trial. On the battleground before the mass media, the accused could obtain necessary information to resist and clear the improper statements from the investigator. By doing so, they can recover their damaged reputation, privacy and the right to a fair trial.


