  • 學位論文


A Scalable and Portable GUI Library

指導教授 : 鄭士康


本研究開發了一套獨立的圖形介面函式庫(GUI library),用來增加圖形介面程式的延展性與移植性,並試圖提高應用程式的跨平台支援程度。在參考了相關的開放原始碼之後,並依循軟體工程的程式開發原則,首先切割物件模型,定義出相關的抽象介面模型,然後實作程式的核心部份。在完成核心程式碼之後,開始設法移植到特定的作業平台移植。選定的是微軟的視窗作業系統(Windows Xp SP2)、Linux(Frame Buffer)與Bootloader(Non-OS),並整合向量繪圖函式(GPLFlash)做動畫展示。


圖形介面 延展性 移植性 嵌入式 視窗


This thesis presents a GUI library used to enhance the scalability and portability of our GUI applications. We also try to solve the problems of software on crossing platforms. As the first step, we refer to some source codes of open source projects. Then following the software engineering priciples, we separate the whole library into pieces of object modules, and define their abstract interfaces. Then it takes some time to implement those core modules. When the kernel part is finished, the next step is to execute the porting procedure for a specific platform. Microsoft Window XP SP2, Linux, and Bootloader are chosen for migration. Besides, it integrates an open source Flash animation playing library for exhibition.


GUI scalability portability embedded window


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