  • 學位論文


Effects of Wind on Schedule Planning for Onshore Wind Turbine Generator Construction Project

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


近年來永續發展的意識逐漸提高,政府對於再生能源也十分積極地推動,台灣擁有良好的風能條件,風力發電亦是永續能源之一。而工程上,傳統在預估工期,人員雖已將天候影響因素納入考量,但這種方式可能造成誤差,因此,本研究以台灣地區,曾經參與興建風力發電機組工程之專業人員,進行專家問卷統計,另外,本研究運用模糊理論來繪製梯形隸屬函數圖形,用以處理問卷模糊語意的數據,配合中央氣象局風速歷史資料計算,並根據上述參數,建立風力發電機組新建工程所適用之排程輔助系統,模擬案例「桃園蘆竹風力發電機組新建工程」中,受風影響較大之作業項目,於不同風速情況下各別作業項目的工期,以及「風力機組現場安裝」至「96小時連續運轉測試」作業項目之合計工期。 本研究根據建立的排程輔助系統,運用新屋氣象測站2008年到2013年的風速資料,模擬了不同情況所造成之工期,其中在不同年份,但開工時間與「桃園蘆竹風力發電機組新建工程」相同,皆於7月27日進行風力發電機組安裝作業,結果顯示,施作「風力機組現場安裝」及「風機配線」作業時,風速較小,則其所需工期較短,相反地,「風機試車」、「風機會同業主功能測試」及「96小時連續運轉測試」作業項目,則需要配合風速大的時候施作,工期較為縮短;另一模擬情況為不同年份,於不同月份開始進行風力發電機組安裝作業,得到在7月27日開始吊裝,會使合計工期最短,故本研究認為「桃園蘆竹風力發電機組新建工程」安排於7月27日開始吊裝,實為合理。


Taiwan has good wind conditions to generate electricity. Although, in traditional forecasting, the duration has already taken the weather factors into consideration, this way may still cause errors. Therefore, this study uses the expert questionnaire by whom has been involved in the construction of wind turbine engineering in Taiwan. By using fuzzy theory, the study draws trapezoidal membership functions dealing with questionnaire fuzzy semantic. With historical wind data and the above parameters, this study establishes Project Scheduling Assistant System Considering Wind Impact of Onshore Wind Turbine Generator Construction. Through the assistant system, this study simulates the duration of activities which suffer greater impact from wind of the case “Taoyuan Luzhu Wind Turbine Generator Construction” under different wind conditions; then sum up all durations of the activities between activity "wind turbines on-site installation" and "96 hours of continuous operation test". By using the Project Scheduling Assistant System and the historical wind data of Xinwu from 2008 to 2013, this study simulates the duration caused by different circumstances. The result shows that if the wind speed is relatively small, the activities "wind turbines on-site installation" and "wind turbines wiring" will be completed in a shorter duration. Conversely, the activities "wind turbines test"," wind turbines functional test" and "96 hours of continuous operation test" require large wind speed. Another simulation is given a new start time in different years and in different months as the beginning of the installation of wind turbines. The result shows that starting on July 27th does make the total duration the shortest.


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12. Global Wind Energy Council, http://www.gwec.net/
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