  • 學位論文


The Effect of Monsoon on Schedule Planning for Wind Generator Construction in Penghu Wind Farm

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


中文摘要 台灣地區自產能源缺乏,百分之九十八以上之能源仰賴進口,因此如何降低對進口能源之依賴,積極開發本土自產能源,為攸關國家發展之重要課題。而風力發電為潔淨再生能源之一,具備低環境污染及低發電成本之特性,且取之不盡、用之不竭。又台灣為一海島型國家,每年約有六個月以上之東北季風,再加上夏季之西南季風,全年平均風速達4m/s以上之區域,總面積達2,000平方公里,風力資源豐富。尤其是澎湖地區之風能資源,經相關單位多年來之調查、分析及風力發電機組實際運轉之數據統計分析,其容量因數達45%,屬世界級風能資源極優之區域,故近年來政府極力推廣風力發電廠之開發建設。 我國於1999年即致力於風能開發、建設風力發電機組,十餘年來台電公司,共建設162部機組,總裝置容量達288.76 MW,目前已全部商轉。又民間公司亦合計建設有114部機組,總裝置容量達254.05MW。整個台灣本島西部沿岸較優之風場,幾乎均已開發完成。澎湖地區2011年政府宣示推動『低碳島計劃』,更將於2014年完成台灣、澎湖間之海底電纜,澎湖地區之風能才得以大力開發。 風力發電新建工程,於我國已執行了10餘年,累積了相當之工程經驗。經檢討分析—受季風之影響甚巨,尤其是風力發電機組吊裝及試車工項。所謂『成也東北季風、敗也東北季風』。因此,如何善用『規律』之季風特性,對工進作適當之安排,將使工期大幅縮短、工安風險降低及工程效益提前發揮。 新建風力發電機組工程,其機組吊裝工作應避開強勁之東北季風,而風又是風力發電機組之動力來源,因此試車期程迎上東北季風季,為最佳之排程。因此,整個工程之排程,應以『吊裝期避開東北季風、試車期迎合東北季風』為最高指導原則。現場工進安排固然如此,如能於工程招標階段,即納入規劃,更將事半功倍。


再生能源 風能 風力發電機組 季風 工進


Abstract There is a shortage of energy source in Taiwan, and need to import energy more than 98% from oversea. Therefore, the decrease of imported energy source is a major topic in Taiwan. Wind generating is clean with renewable energy, so there are character in low pollution and cost down, inexhaustible in supply and always available for use. Taiwan is an oceanic island, there are northeast monsoon over 6 months annually and southwest monsoon in summer, therefore wind velocity reach 4 m/s average in total area over 2,000 square kilometers, the wind energy source is rich. The wind energy source in the Penghu Island has been investigated and analyzed, whose capacity factor 45 % is the best in global, so that government positive develop wind generator set nearly. From 1999, Taiwan Power Company have established wind generator amount 162 set with total capacity 288.76 MW for commercial operation, Independent Power Producer have established amount 114 set with total capacity 254.05 MW, up to now. Taiwan’s west coast have been almost developed relating optimum wind farm. In 2011, government declared Low Carbon Island Plan for Penghu, and submarine cable will be installed by 2014 between Taiwan and Penghu for developing Penghu’s wind farm. The construction of wind generator set have been executed over 10 years in Taiwan, there are have more experience. The effect of monsoon wind is great during the period of assembling and commissioning for wind generator set, in other words, northeast monsoon will make success, or fail. Therefore, work progress shall be arranged according the character of monsoon wind for reducing work period, avoiding work dangerous and improving project efficiency. The optimum schedule of wind generator construction shall consider avoiding northeast monsoon for assembling work, and need strong wind during the period of commissioning test. Therefore, the basic and guiding of whole project arrangement shall be avoiding northeast monsoon in assembling work period, and commissioning test will be executed in northeast monsoon. Construction progress shall be planned for the project successfully regarding the effect of northeast monsoon.


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