  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Condom Use Intentions among Boys’ Senior High-School Students Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior: Examining the Moderating Effects of Sexual Orientation and Gender Characteristic

指導教授 : 黃俊豪


目標:運用計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)探討高中男校學生之保險套使用意圖,分析其三大構念(行為態度、主觀規範及自覺行為控制)之直接及間接測量與保險套使用意圖之關聯,並檢視性取向與性別氣質對其之調節作用。 方法:於2014年3月,針對某高中男校之高一至高三學生,以計劃行為理論為依據自編而成之匿名式紙本問卷進行調查,共發放1,100份問卷(回覆率89.9%),最終有效樣本929份,使用多變項羅吉斯迴歸進行資料分析。 結果:若以直接測量進行分析時發現,當高中男校生保險套使用之行為態度為相對中性(AOR=3.37)或正向(AOR=8.17)、主觀規範為相對中度(AOR=1.56)或高度支持(AOR=2.35)時,有較高機率為高保險套使用意圖者,而自覺行為控制則不顯著;於三大構念間接測量部分,若使用以因素分析為基礎之五類因素進行分析時,行為態度之正面行為結果評價、一般主觀規範及自覺行為控制之有利因素,皆與保險套使用意圖具有不同程度之顯著相關,而行為態度之負面行為結果評價與自覺行為控制之障礙因素則不顯著。性取向與性別氣質對保險套使用意圖,具有顯著之調節作用,例如:直接測量中,主觀規範為相對高度支持之非異性戀者(AOR=0.23),及自覺行為控制為相對中度自控之陰柔者(AOR=0.50),其保險套使用意圖皆降低,且分別與異性戀者及陽剛者存有顯著差異。 結論:本研究以計劃行為理論探討高中男校學生之保險套使用意圖,發現行為態度與主觀規範為重要影響因素,自覺行為控制則在間接測量始顯現其影響力,而性取向與性別氣質亦為重要調節因子。未來若欲提升高中男生保險套使用意圖,應增強正面行為結果評價,創造保險套使用之有利環境,並針對不同性取向及性別氣質對象進行不同之介入策略,本研究結果可作為未來相關單位進行性平教育及保險套宣導之實證參考依據。


Objectives: This study explored condom use intentions among boys’ senior high-school students by applying the direct and indirect measures of the three constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): Attitude toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control. The potential moderating effects of sexual orientation and gender characteristic were also examined. Methods: Anonymous survey data were collected from students enrolled in a boys’ senior high school in Taiwan March 2014. A total of 929 valid responses were received (response rate: 89.9%). Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: When the TPB direct measures were applied, a relatively neutral (AOR = 3.37) or positive (AOR = 8.17) attitude toward the behavior, and a relatively neutral (AOR = 1.56) or supportive (AOR = 2.35) subjective norm, were found significantly associated with higher condom use intentions. When the TPB indirect measures were applied, five factors were extracted. Among them, attitudinal evaluations of positive behavioral outcomes, general subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control over facilitating conditions were significantly associated with condom use intentions to varying degrees. Also, both sexual orientation and gender characteristic (masculine/feminine) had significant moderating effects on condom use intentions. For example, when the TPB direct measures were applied, non-heterosexuals with a relatively supportive subjective norm (AOR = 0.23) and feminine students with an intermediate level of perceived behavioral control (AOR = 0.50) would significantly decrease their condom use intentions, and such interactions were statistically significant. Conclusions: Using the TPB as the theoretical framework, this study found that attitudes toward the behavior and subjective norms were strongly associated with condom use intentions among boys’ senior high-school students. Perceived behavioral control had significant effects only when the indirect measures were applied. In addition, sexual orientation and gender characteristic had important moderating effects. The empirical findings of this study could inform future health education programs to increase condom use intentions in the male student population.


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