  • 學位論文


Malaysian Chinese Students in Taiwan: Decision Making Process and Career Development after Graduation

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


馬來西亞是台灣傳統僑生與外籍生的來源地,當地也是除了兩岸四地以外,唯一擁有完整教育體系之國家,其華文教育體系可說是與台灣的教育「無縫接軌」。兩地華裔社會都有相似的文化,無論在生活或學習方面,馬來西亞華裔學生(旅台馬生)都能快速適應,歷年來畢業於台灣各大學院校之馬來西亞籍學生已超過四萬人。在2012年7月,馬來西亞與台灣政府開始互相承認學歷,以及台灣各大學院校開始在當地大量地宣傳,使得近年來台升學的人數持續不停地增長。 一般對於學生遷移之研究,大多著重在邊陲國家學生前往核心國之課題,認為跨國教育有助於個人在未來進行在職場或地位的流動。由於馬來西亞有很長的時間不承認台灣學歷,台灣的高等教育業也在國際上沒有取得知識和文化霸權地位,學生前往台灣升學,在未來可能無法符合母國就業市場的需求,因此是無法以傳統「南-北」遷移路徑來解釋他們的選擇。 本研究透過對旅台馬生(當地的華社稱之為「留台生」)的深度訪談,發現激發學生「台灣夢」之主要原因是當地華文獨中內有營造嚮往台灣升學的氛圍,以及台灣文化產品在當地華裔市場的流行,誘發了學生對台灣的嚮往,繼而做出留學台灣的決定。研究者利用Levitt所提出的社會匯款(Social Remittance)理論,觀察到正在留學或已經歸國的旅台生不停地為台灣高校宣傳及傳導台灣形象良好的一面,使得留學台灣熱在當地社會持續發酵。同時,研究者也關注這些學生在學成歸國(返回馬來西亞)或前往第三國(新加坡)後的工作境遇,發現台灣的學歷雖然使他們在求職的道路遇到一些障礙,但他們依舊對台灣存有好感及感激之情,對於台馬兩地的關係,更是積極推動,希望促進兩地更多的交流。


Malaysia is traditionally the main source of Taiwan's Overseas Chinese and foreign students. It is also the only country outside Greater China that recognises Chinese education as part of the national education system. Taiwan and Malaysia have similar Chinese communities, that enable Malaysian-Chinese students adapt quickly in Taiwan. Since 1951, more than 40,000 Malaysian-Chinese students graduated from various universities in Taiwan. After Malaysia and Taiwan government recognize each other’s university diplomas in July 2012, rapid growth of Malaysian students studying in Taiwan result. As most studies of student migration follow a “South-North” pattern, I argue that the migration of Malaysian-Chinese Student in Taiwan is a “deviant” case of student migration. Despite non-recognition by the Malaysian of Taiwan’s degree, they still choose to study in Taiwan, which does not enable them to obtain a globally “hegemonic” status in the production of knowledge. While returning to Malaysia, they may not fit into their homeland’s job market. Through in-depth interviews, this research examines the main reasons that inspire students to pursue their “Taiwan Dream”. It shows that Chinese Independent High Schools have helped to intivate the ethos of studying in Taiwan, while the popularity of Taiwanese cultural products, such as drama, pop music and books, heavily helped them to choose Taiwan as a destination. This research uses Social Remittance theory by Peggy Levitt, to analyse the trends for Malaysian-Chinese students studying in Taiwan. Senior students have tried to promote Taiwan’s higher education industry and Taiwan’s image of Malaysian Chinese communities. Finally, this study also include career development of returning students (back to Malaysia) or those who work in Singapore after graduation. It is found that Taiwan’s diplomas may pose employment barriers. However, they still appreciate the opportunity of completing tertiary education in Taiwan, and have helped to promote closer relations between Taiwan and Malaysia.


