  • 學位論文


Late Ming Zhangzhou (so-called 'Swatow') Porcelain: A Study of Its Various Categories, Their Chronology and the Trade Network

指導教授 : 謝明良


漳州窯瓷器是中國明代後期福建生產的貿易瓷,作為外銷商品行銷至東亞、東南亞,遠至中東、歐洲也有流通的證據。第一章探討從二十世紀五〇年代開始至今,對漳州窯瓷器的研究,從窯址的確認與考古發掘,至貿易網絡的建構,已對漳州窯的窯業發展和海外流通消費的版圖有一個通盤的認識。但是,對於窯址與消費地所出土或發現的漳州窯瓷器沒有進行系統性的分類,以至於無法對漳州窯瓷器的風格演變與時代劃分作有效的論述。 本論文以漳州窯的大盤/盤類作為研究的對象,從考古、風格類型分析、社會史和工藝技術的角度,探討漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器的年代問題。 第二章至第四章針對窯址、沈船及以消費地日本為主的遺跡考古出土的大盤/盤類遺物,進行類型的界定與分類,並以其在消費地出土的地層年代作為參照,建立各類型大盤/盤類瓷器出土的時間跨幅。同時,也關注出土遺物所屬遺跡/遺構的性質,探討漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器在消費地的使用情況。此三章以考古的角度,將遺址出土的漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器,依照器型和紋飾佈局的結構甄別類型,梳裡其流通的年代跨幅,製成漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器的類型總表,並以此為基礎,歸納出漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器八個早期的類型,年代界定在嘉靖末年至萬曆初期,即十六世紀中後期。另外,透過漳州窯大盤/盤類瓷器的類型總表,進一步分析類型的風格演變以及年代的問題。第四章以社會史和工藝技術的角度,探討漳州窯「港澳旌旗」圖式及單色釉白彩裝飾工藝的年代問題,認定早期的漳州窯大盤已開始應用,而單色釉白彩的工藝技法則影響十七世紀波斯薩法維王朝(Safavid Empire,1502-1736)Kirman窯的工藝技術。另外,漳州窯大盤上的「天下一」銘文,透過牛津大學Bodleian圖書館所藏的『明代東西洋航海圖』上的羅盤方位圖,更為確認其與航海羅經的密切關連,有天下方位定於一的含義。


Zhangzhou ware is a type of Chinese trade porcelain made in Fujian province. In English it is traditionally called ‘Swatow’ porcelain after the local pronunciation of the port, Shantou, through which it was exported. In the late Ming period Zhangzhou porcelain was made for export, mainly to East Asia and South-east Asia, and also to the Middle East and Europe. Since the 1950s, we have gained more knowledge about the kiln sites, where it was exported to and the development of the trade network (chapter 1). However, there has been no effective systematic categorization and analysis of the changes in the style of Zhangzhou porcelain over time. This thesis focuses on large and medium-sized Zhangzhou dishes. It examines the question of dating the dishes, from the perspectives of archeological evidence, analysis of the categories of the styles, the social and historical context and production techniques. In chapters 2 to 4, I discuss kiln sites, porcelain from shipwrecks and excavated material from the export destinations of Zhangzhou porcelain, especially Japan. I attempt to categorize the porcelain, using the archaeological strata as a reference for the periods over which different styles were produced and circulated. At the same time, I examine the characteristics of the different archaeological sites, also who owned the porcelain, what their status in society was and how the porcelain was actually used. In these three chapters, I categorize and establish the time-span of large and medium-sized dishes that were excavated from kiln sites and the overseas archaeological sites. I conclude that there are eight categories that were first produced at some point between the late Jiajing period and the early Wanli period, thus between the 1560s and 1580s. Altogether, I identify, categorize and analyze 36 styles. In chapter 5, I examine the subject matter of the ‘gang’ao jingqi’ (coastal defense with flags) design from the perspective of social history, and conclude that it is one of the early designs on large Zhangzhou dishes. I conclude that the type with white slip decoration on a monochrome background also dates from the early period of Zhangzhou production and that it influenced 17th century Kirman pottery of Safavid Iran. The meaning of ‘tianxia yi’ (the centre of the world as one) inscription at the centre of certain Zhangzhou dishes is, I believe, taken from a type of compass such as the one on the ‘Seldon Map’ at the Bodleian Library, Oxford University, England, which dates from c. 1590-1600.


一 文獻古籍
(清)郭柏蒼,《閩產錄異》,清光緒丙戌年閩縣陳閨瑛篆錄版,Max Planck Institute for the History of Science藏,網路資源(Permanent URL):http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:N55BV953.
