  • 學位論文


The Formation and Change of Taiwan’s Flower Auction ─ The Case of Taipei Potted Plants Auction

指導教授 : 唐代彪




臺灣 花卉 拍賣 路徑依賴 制度移植 政府


This study focused on the formation and change of Taiwan's flower auction system. Researcher took Taipei Potted Plants Auction (TPPA) as the main case, and furtherly explored why it used the English auction in its potted flower auction, rather than Dutch auction, which was widely used by the other flower auction markets. Through literature reviews, interviews with professionals in relevant fields and data analysis, this study tried to describe the current state of Taiwan's flower auction. The theory of path dependence was used as the theoretical background, and was also used to explore the historical and social context behind the development of Taiwan's modern flower auction. In the case of TPPA, this study found that Taiwan’s modern flower auction system was transferred by Netherlands. However, Taiwan’s flower seller, the logistics system, and even the auction market itself, has been influenced by the past, making Taiwan's flower trading system neither modern nor traditional. This study also found that Taiwan’s central and local governments hold the dominated role of the flower market. They not only supervised auction markets, but also had a significant financial impact on them. The recommendations were given in the end of the article. Taiwan government should devolve its leading power to flower auction market itself. By contrast, Taiwan government should try hard to integrate farmers' associations, cooperatives and individuals to construct a better logistics system, and establish the evaluation standards of the plotted flowers.


Taiwan flowers auction path dependence policy transfer government


第一節 英文部分
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