  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Establishing the Asian Flower Auction Center in Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅竹平


台灣以農立國,但農業結構較以往明顯改變,由糧食作物轉型為商品作物,各類的作物產值結構也有顯著的變動,花卉產業就是其中之一。雖然花卉出口值每年都持續上升,但是外銷方式還是經由貿易商作為溝通管道,而沒有一個公開透明的交易平台,導致浪費許多無謂的金錢與時間成本,再加上亞太地區缺乏一個能夠集散全亞洲花卉的拍賣市場,因此成立亞太花卉交易中心是勢在必行的。 本研究對荷蘭、中國、日本及台灣具代表性的花卉拍賣市場作分析與比較,可知荷蘭的FloraHolland花卉拍賣交易中心的發展最成熟,日本的大田花市緊接在後,而台灣與中國尚有許多方面有待改進,特別是在拍賣市場的股東組成方面上,應效法荷蘭FloraHolland由花卉培育公司為其股東,而公司則委託專業經營團隊來經營,亦可由花商擔任,一起創造拍賣公司最大利潤,與花農共同分享紅利。 台灣成立亞太花卉交易中心有四項益處,其一為提升花卉出口產值,其二為提升花卉相關產業就業人口,其三為提供亞太地區統一的花卉交易平台,其四為提升台灣在國際上的知名度。台灣成立的優勢有花卉品種多、本身為生產基地、地理位置佳、海陸空交通便利、少數高價花卉之品種栽培技術獨步全球等。 若要在台灣成立亞太花卉交易中心,關鍵成功因素可分成以下六點,分別為物流、政府法令、引進MPS認證、與荷蘭花卉交易中心合作、與國內五個花卉批發市場溝通配合以及經營主體須由花農組成。


Taiwan was founded on agriculture, but the agricultural structure significantly changed compared to before, transforming from food crops into cash crops. The output structure of the various crops has also undergone significant change, the flower industry being one of them. Although the flower export value continues to increase annually, traders remain communication channels for exports. However, without an open and transparent trading platform, unnecessary waste of money and time costs resulted. On top of that, due to the lack of a regional flower auction market for distribution of flowers throughout Asia, the establishment of the Asian Flower Auction Center is imperative. In this study, analysis and comparison were conducted on the representative flora auction markets in the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Taiwan. It was found that the development of the FloraHolland Flower Auction, a Dutch flower auction trade center, was the most mature, followed by Ota Flower Market in Japan. There is still room for improvement for Taiwan and China, especially in the composition of auction market shareholders. They should follow the example of FloraHolland that the flora cultivation company served as the shareholder, while the company commissioned a professional management team, or a florist to run the company in order to create maximum profits and share dividends with the growers. The Asian Flower Auction Center established in Taiwan features four benefits: 1. To enhance the flower export value; 2. to enhance employment in the flower-related industries; 3. to provide a unified flora trading platform in the Asia-Pacific region; and 4. to enhance Taiwan’s international visibility. Taiwan’s strengths lie in its flower varieties, its being the production base, good location, convenient transportation, technology to cultivate a small number of high-priced flower varieties that leads the world, and so on. The 6 crucial success factors that contributed to the establishment of the Asian Flower Auction Center in Taiwan are as follows: logistics, government regulations, introduction of MPS certification, cooperation with Dutch flora trade centers, communication and coordination with five domestic flora wholesale markets, and the business entity made up of flower growers.




