  • 學位論文


A Study of Research Issues on Strategic Innovation in the Textile and Apparel Industries

指導教授 : 陳文華


我國紡織業過去曾經一度淪為夕陽產業,在歷經多年來的發展、轉型與研發投入後,現今以研發創新及彈性生產的優勢,成為許多國際品牌不可或缺的供應夥伴。但在現今產業風險高與景氣低迷的情況下,業者間的產品同質性過高以及品牌客戶重複性高的問題,不利於產業的長期發展。同時,在中美貿易戰、Covid-19疫情、以及各種大環境中難以預料到的事件與趨勢影響之下,企業如何掌握國際情勢與市場脈動,爭取更多的市場發展機會,提升競爭力,成為當前我國紡織業的重要課題。 在面對全球氣候變遷、人口持續增加與資源逐漸耗竭的時代,循環經濟已經成為國際經濟發展的共識,社會對於永續議題的關注大幅提升,永續消費逐漸成為主流.同時品牌商的經營與零售模式也正在改變,朝向更循環、個人化、彈性、數位的商業模式發展。此外,隨著數位科技的日新月異,傳統製造業勢必要朝向更智慧、高效能的營運模式,持續策化推動數位轉型,才能夠維持企業的競爭優勢,為企業帶來更大的商機。因此,本研究以宏觀的視野出發,探討紡織產業現況與未來發展趨勢,接著進一步針對紡織與服飾產業當前面對的四項重要議題做深入研究,分別是循環時尚、零售創新、人工智慧、數位轉型。最後,我們提出一些策略建議,以期能協助紡織業者因應市場趨勢制定創新發展策略。


In this study, we identify some of the issues that are facing the textile and apparel industry: (1) Circular fashion, (2) Retail innovation, (3) Artificial intelligence, and (4) Digital transformation. Specifically, over recent years circular economy has been one of the hottest topics in terms of fashion because fashion is one of the most polluting industries on the planet. Consumers are demanding a change regarding sustainability and it shows in their spending habits. Thus, we first aim to investigate influencing factors of consumers' purchase intention to sustainable apparel products. Next, we focus on the business model development for apparel consumption from a retailing perspective, and discuss how a retailer creates value for its customers and appropriates value from the markets. This may have the potential to contributes an increased understanding of how more innovative solutions can be included when developing business models. Moreover, the issue of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant for textile and apparel industries, thus, we build an AI-driven collaborative platform to enhance suppliers’ quick response design and production capabilities. Further, with the development of digital technologies, the classical system of doing business has been disrupted and many companies have to react to digitalization. Therefore, a case study for a textile firm is used to understand drivers, barriers, and success factors of digital transformation. This allows textile and apparel organizations to develop a winning transformation strategy in the digital era. Overall, this study provides the important insights and innovation strategies both for academia and industry.


一、 中文部分
