  • 學位論文


How Local Residents Interpret the Environmental Risks of NIMBY Facilities: A Field Study in A Community with Multiple Exposures

指導教授 : 丁志音


研究背景與目的:一般大眾如何感知與因應產出環境風險的鄰避設施(NIMBY facilities)已引起社會各方會與公共衛生領域的諸多討論,然而甚少研究關注存在著多樣鄰避設施的地區。本研究欲嘗試了解當地居民如何描繪所處地區多樣的潛在環境風險、解讀可能造成個體身心健康或社區生態的負面效應,以及最終因應環境暴露而衍生的心理與行為策略。 研究方法:本研究為社區型的田野研究。研究場域位在基隆市中山區北部某里。此里於日治時期時即有一肥料化工廠,且自1960年代後分別有火力發電廠、高壓電塔與高架橋相繼建造、營運,各類設施促進經濟發展的同時亦造成了無可避免的環境影響與健康危害。本研究以深度訪談與參與觀察作為主要資料收集方法,並以最大變異抽樣法在2013年7月至11月挑選了21位不同年齡、性別、教育程度與職業的居民進行訪談。訪談內容主要由研究者將錄音檔轉譯成逐字稿,將研究關注的主要議題自受訪者訪談內容中比對與萃取。 研究結果:本研究主要發現為:(1)民眾對於風險的感知主要來自其可覺察性、嚴重性以及暴露潛在範圍等三個面向所影響。受訪者間風險感知的世代差異則來自於各類設施對其生命歷程中的經濟與生活影響。(2)季節或當地氣象的變化將影響民眾對於特定風險的感知情況,而個體的社經條件與過往經驗亦會改變其暴露在環境污染中的機會與程度。(3)長期環境暴露的影響造成民眾自覺生活品質降低、多樣負面身心問題的發生,以及社區環境與生態無可回復的破壞。此外,民眾認為多元環境風險透過許多形式的交互作用,更可能增強對個體或社區的影響。(4)當地居民透過多樣化的策略因應多元環境暴露,除了發展正向心理機轉以減緩情緒的負面反應外,其亦透過保護性措施與行為以隔絕可能的暴露接觸。更甚者,居民更主動以採納各類策略來強化身心健康、抵抗長期影響。 結論:來自多鄰避設施的環境風險對於居民社會心理與行為影響是不僅相互交織、具多元面向,亦同時與居民生命經驗密切關聯。藉由常民知識與流行病學觀點,當地民眾對於單一或多鄰避設施的短、長期反應應被持續且具系統性地觀察與解讀分析,以便回饋至環境衛生管制及政策制定,並提供未來相關研究之概念及理論意涵。


Background and objectives:While risk perceptions and behavioral responses to hazards released from a specific NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) facility have drawn extensive attention, which have been hardly explored in settings where multiple LIMBY facilities exist. This study examined how local residents interpreted potential environmental risks, grasped possible adverse effects on individual health and community ecology, and behaviorally adjusted to regularly and non-regularly discharged exposures. Methods:This study followed a community-based field work design. The study community is located in the Northern part of Keelung County in Taiwan, where a thermal power plant, a high voltage tower, a fertilizer chemical plant and a viaduct have been consecutively built up since 1960s; each contributed to economic development but also unavoidably caused environmental deterioration and health detriment. Both in-depth interviewing and participant observation were employed to collect data for analysis. By means of maximum variation sampling, 21 residents distinctive in their age, gender, education and occupation were selected and interviewed during July 2013 to November 2013. The sound-recording interview data were transcribed into verbatim draft and main themes embedded in the participants' narratives and conversations were extracted and triangulated. Results:Major findings of this study included: (1) Residents’ perceptions of risk mostly came from three dimensions of exposures: sensory observability, severity, and exposure scope. Age cohort or generational differences in perceptions were found due mainly to the contribution of these facilities to their own economic advantage, (2) Seasonal fluctuations and meteorological conditions may affect residents’ perceptions. Particularly, social economic status and previous experiences would influence one’s possibility and degree of exposures, (3) In a long run, residents considered the long-term exposure caused multiple burdens of negative health outcomes, undesirable quality of life, and irreversible environmental and ecology devastation. Even worse, the interactive effects of those diversified exposures were considered to qualitatively and quantitatively amplify the sum of their separate effects, (4) Residents coped with multiple adverse exposures through pluralistic strategies. In addition to developing positive psychological mechanisms to buffer mentally distressed reactions, they also used protective devices or practices to eliminate possible exposure contacts. Moreover, they further adopted strategies to enhance their own physical and physiological strength to fight against prolonged negative health effects. Conclusion:The socio-psychological and behavioral effects of environmental exposures from multiple NIMBY facilities on local residents were intertwined and multi-dimensional, and closely associated with their life experiences. From the perspective of lay knowledge and lay epidemiology, local residents’ short-term reactions and long-term responses to single and multiple NIMBY facilities should be continuously and systematically observed and analyzed to inform environmental health regulations and policy formulations, and provide conceptual and theoretical implications for future research.


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