  • 學位論文

限量促銷後的促銷對於消費者 知覺促銷公平之影響

Effects of Post-purchase Promotion on Perceived Promotion Fairness

指導教授 : 陸洛


近來各產業的促銷活動已經愈來愈多元,其中限量或限時促銷為最普及的一種促銷方式,實例證明這類促銷方式也確實能夠刺激短期銷售,然而類促銷方式的泛濫也造成一些負面影響,進而影響消費者的認知方式及購買行為。 本研究主要探討限量促銷後的促銷活動,對於消費者知覺促銷公平的影響,藉由比較在限量促銷及無限量促銷的情境下,去了解購後促銷對於消費者的影響,以及不同情境的干擾變數對於消費者正負面的反應。 本研究以二十歲以上且近一年具有購買限量商品經驗的消費者為焦點團體的訪談對象,從十三位的首訪消費者中,最後確定受訪對象為八人。在相關文獻的支持以及焦點訪談後,本研究的重要結論有: (1) 消費者對於限量促銷會特別注意,購買後遇到類似促銷或更低價格時,會特別注意及比較。 (2) 消費者進行比較時,若發現購後的促銷活動與之前的促銷差異不大,會產生知覺促銷不公平,進而產生負面的情緒和行為。 (3) 消費者對於購後促銷活動的反應,會因為性別與年齡而有所差異。 (4) 負面口碑也會影響消費者對於限量促銷的認知以及購買意願。


Limitation availability promotion always effectively reduces consumers’ search intentions and promotes their purchase intentions. However, in recent years, the frequent limitation availability promotions make consumers wonder whether the limitation in product quantity is true or not because they sometimes find the same or even better price for the same product in other channels. The purpose of this study is to examine how consumers perceive the fairness of limitation availability promotion and also investigate how they react to such situation if they find the similar promotion after the purchase. By conducting a focus group of 8 consumers who have experienced a limitation availability promotion in recent one year, this study finds that consumers perceive low promotion fairness when they find a similar promotion after their purchase. In addition, the similarity of promotion reduces their perceive promotion fairness and further causes negative emotions (e.g., angry, regret) and behavior (e.g., complain, spread negative word-of-mouth). Third, the strength of their reactions depends on their gender and age. Lastly, the negative word-of-mouth spread effectively influences other consumers’ purchase intention.


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