  • 學位論文


Exploring Thumb-Tip Interactions by Considering Mobility and Hand Posture

指導教授 : 陳炳宇




Recent advances of input sensing technology enable users to perform thumb-tip micro gestures. However, the researches related to interface design mainly focus on stylus and touchscreen input. How well can people perform micro gestures in thumb-tip interactions remains unknown. We conducted an empirical study by analyzing kinematics of fingers when participants performed a series of micro gestures in different mobility (standing and walking) and hand postures (in front or at side of body). Our findings are as follows: (1) The stroke paths were significantly influenced by mobility conditions. Participants drew less accurate gestures when walking. (2) With different hand postures, the sizes, centroid positions, and writing behaviors of micro gestures were also affected. (3) Owing to the hand anatomy, the complexity and the geometry features of micro gestures affects the gesture performance. Based on the findings, we propose design guidelines for easy-to-perform gestures and interfaces with stable performance in thumb-tip micro gesture input.


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