  • 學位論文


A Discussion on the Protection of Financial Consumer

指導教授 : 李存修
共同指導教授 : 王文宇(Wen-Yeu Wang)


在台灣,各種衍生性金融商品組合日益複雜,消費者可從各金融機構購買到各種金融商品,相較於金融業者,金融消費者實為資訊較為弱勢之一方,因此,金融消費者保護之議題愈顯重要,世界各國愈發重視金融商品消費者保護問題,金融服務業及從業人員之規範亦為金融消費者前端保護機制之一。惟有關於後階段之金融消費爭議,各申訴機關制度與管道均未能統一,消費者遇此問題時,常難以區分有權之申訴機關,導致求助無門的困境。金融監督管理委員會是否應當建立一獨立之金融消費者保護單位,及如何整合金融服務市場中金融消費者保護措施與法規,以提供金融消費者簡易且公平之金融消費爭議處理機制,為本文所欲研議之要點。 參考美國2010年所創設保護所有金融消費者的獨立機關「消費者金融保護局(CFPB)」,並參酌英國金融商品之行銷規範「金融服務暨市場法(FSMA)」與「商業行為指導準則(COBS)」之立法模式,本文建議將我國有關金融從業人員行為規範以及金融消費者保護規範,均提升至法律規定層次,成立一單一性、整合性、獨立性之「金融消費者保護機構」,並以規範金融服務業者之「金融服務業法」,以及能確實有效保障金融消費者權益之「金融消費者保護法」,三者併進,以達金融創新發展與消費者完整保護之目標。


In Taiwan, the combination of derivative financial instruments has become more complex. Financial consumers can buy a variety of financial products from every kind of financial institutions. In relative of financial institutions, financial consumers have lack of information of the financial products. As a result, every country pays more attention to the protection of financial consumers; in other words, the protection of financial consumers becomes more and more important. The regulation of financial institutions and their agents is also one of the former protections of financial consumers. Because of the different systems of appeals in every financial institution, financial consumers could not know which authorities they can appeal to when they facing the latter of disputes on the financial consumption. The main point of my thesis is about whether the Financial Supervisory Commission should establish an independent bureau of financial-consumer protection, and how to conform all sorts of financial laws and regulations. According to the independent bureau “CFPB” established by the US government in 2010, legislative model of “FSMA” and “COBS” established by UK government, we suggest to raise all regulation on financial institution and financial-consumer protection to a higher level through establishing a single, integrated, independent “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection”, enacting “Law of Financial Service Industry” which conducts financial industry and “Law of Financial-Consumer Protection” which truly protects the rights of financial consumers. We believe these three suggestions can achieve the goal of financial innovation and consumer protection.


3. 張新楣,金融交易之資訊義務─以金融機構之民事責任為中心,國立臺灣大學法律學院法律學系碩士論文,2010年6月。
4. 彭永翔,金融商品監理之研究-以連動債為中心,國立臺灣大學科際整合法律研究所碩士論文,2009年6月。
5. 熊全迪,結構型債券法律規範之研究,國立台灣大學法律學研究所碩士論文,2007年。
1. 司法院大法官釋字第443號解釋理由書。
2. 司法院大法官釋字第514號解釋理由書。



