  • 學位論文


The Study on the Early Stage of Execution Management for Railway Station Building Projectin the Private Public Partnership

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


行政院公共工程委員會鑑於各促參主辦機關辦理促參作業經驗不足,以致案件無法順利推動或簽約成功率低,間接降低辦理意願,爰建置促參各作業階段之標準作流程及其相關作業之工作檢核表,期使主辦機關基層人員能參考促參標準作業流程務實辦理,以提高辦理信心並提升案件辦理品質。 依標準作業流程主辦機關執行促參案計畫大致分為七大階段:1.計畫形成;2.可行性評估與先期規劃;3.甄審招商;4.議約及簽約;5.興建;6.營運;7.移轉與返還。上述執行階段依民間機構參與公共建設類型不同而略有差異,其中議約及簽約階段至興建階段期間,民間機構主要作業為規劃設計與相關審查作業,主辦機關則為執行契約承諾應辦事項與協辦事項,其作業期程往往達數年之久,然而公共工程委員會並未對此期間規範相關作業標準,以致主辦機關與民間機構於此階段易產生執行困難之窘境,此課題與對應之道實有必要作一探究。 依促參法第八條民間機構參與公共建設之模式分為BOT(興建-營運-移轉)、BTO(興建-移轉-營運)、ROT(擴、整建-營運-移轉)、BOO(興建-擁有-營運)或OT(營運-移轉)等五種方式,而依工程會促參公告案件資料發現政府規劃民間參與模式案例彙整可發現各機關依其業務特性衍生出適於部分個案類型之組合式招標模式,此組合式招標模式之執行方式,目前亦未有相關規定以供依循。 本研究以目前車站大樓開發BOT結合OT組合類型案例,透過文獻回顧、相關法令規章及履約中案例探討,經由發放從事車站開發案相關實務經驗人員之問卷調查方式,藉由個案分析法模式,分析採BOT結合OT模式案例在進入興建階段前的履約執行特性(如採階段式開發、興建與營運同步作業等)與專案管理項目(即進度、交付、興建與營運)間的關聯影響。研究成果將提供民間未來參與車站大樓開發類型個案在簽約後、興建前履約執行階段應有管理機制的建議,並使主辦機關與民間機構對於組合式促參案例,能有類似個案執行模式以供參考。


In view of the lack of operating experience for the authority in charge in the Promotion of Private Participation Promotion in Infrastructure Projects (PPIP), Public Construction Commission (PCC), Executive Yuan, creates the standard operating procedure (SOP) and checklists at each project stage to improve the effenciency and quality of the project delivery process. According to the SOP, these stages are divided into seven phases: 1) Project formation, 2) Feasibility assessment and preliminary planning, 3) Validatiton of investment, 4) Contract, 5) Construction, 6) Operation, and 7) Transfer and the return. In general, it takes several years to go through the whole process. Although most of the processes in each stage are regulated by PCC, the interface between contract and construction phases is not defined clearly. More studies are desirable to solve or reduce the operational difficulties arose from this subject. In accordance with Article VIII of the Act PPIP, the private participation in public infrastructure projects is divided into BOT (build - operate - transfer), BTO (build - transfer - operate), ROT (expansion, renovation - operate - transfer), BOO (Build - Own - Operate) or OT (operate - transfer) modes. By reviewing PPIP cases published from PCC, it can be found that there are also hybrid modes adopted by the authority in charge because each authority has its own charactersitcs and the project has its special properties. However, there are few regulations to define the activities required in this hybrid type of PPIP. In this study, a building-station consturciton project that combining BOT and OT modes is discussed and analyzed. Through the literature review, regulations examination, case study, and expert questionnaire, the relationship between the property of the building-station project and the project manangement issues (i.e., progress, schedule, build, and operation) were clarifited and proper SOPs are suggested. The results can contribute to the future PPIP and the authority in charge in the future.




