  • 學位論文


Wang Bai -Yuan’s Adaptations of Ishikawa Takuboku’s Literature

指導教授 : 太田登


王白淵在1931年於日本盛岡出版日語詩文集〈荊棘之道〉,1932年在東京與台灣知識分子、留學生組成「東京台灣人文化社團」,同年因為共產黨份子的嫌疑在日本被捕下獄。出獄後,又組成「東京台灣藝術研究會」,同時創刊文學雜誌「福爾摩沙」。這些活動都帶給當時台灣知識份子重大影響,以及在確立台灣文化主體性上發揮重要功用。   王白淵從事革命活動失敗後,即使受到當時政府言論自由的限制,屢次被捕入獄都沒有放棄利用書寫評論,興辦雜誌倡導思想來表達其思想。雖然先行研究指出王白淵受到日本詩人石川啄木的影響,但卻沒有詳加說明。   根據玉城徹的先行研究指出,石川啄木的作品從早期的詩到晚期的歌都呈現生命靈魂主義的傾向,且在作品之中具有論述性與其欲表達的思想。從對照王白淵和石川啄木的詩歌以及評論的比較考察以後,可以發現王白淵在透過詩歌表達對於靈魂和形而上世界的信仰上和詩人石川啄木有類似之處,而且從對於靈魂和形而上世界的信仰出發,轉而現實生活中自我省察以及對於時局的批判上也是其共通點。 先行研究指出王白淵對於靈魂和形而上世界相關的思想上,受到泰戈爾、工藤直太郎的影響,但本論文嘗試挖掘王白淵對於靈魂生命、形而上世界的思考中,受到日本詩人石川啄木的哪些影響,繼而具體地表現其作品當中。透過這樣的解析,更能掌握王白淵的文學活動的特質。


靈魂 形而上世界 信仰 批判 革命


Taiwanese poet Wang Bai Yuan had made great influence on his contemporary Taiwanese intellectuals during his stay in Japan. In 1931, he published a collection of Japanese poems, Ibara No Miti, in Morioka. In 1932, he established “Tokyo Taiwanese People’s Cultural Associations” with Taiwanese intellectuals and students in Tokyo. In the same year, he was sent to prison as a suspected communist. After being released, he further established “Tokyo Taiwanese Art Research Association” and founded the literary magazine “Formosa.” All these activities had influenced Taiwanese intellectuals profoundly at that time, and played a significant role in forming Taiwan’s cultural identity. After Wang participated in revolutionary activities and failed, and he was arrested and imprisoned for several times. Although the government restricted people’s freedom of speech and his own situation was dangerous, he did not stop making remarks by writing and advocating ideas by publishing magazines. Many previous researchers had pointed out that Wang was influenced by Japanese poet Ishikawa Takuboku, but did not elaborate on the details. According to one previous research done by Tooru Tamaki, Ishikawa showed a tendency of spiritualism from his poems in the earlier stage to his “tankas” in the later stage, and his works have a discursive trait and contain ideas he tried to express. Comparing Wang and Ishikawa’s poems and critical essays, a similarity between the two poets can be found. Like Ishikawa, Wang expressed his belief in souls and the spiritual world through his poetry, and from this belief, he turned to reflect himself and criticize his times in real life. In some previous researches, Wang’s ideas about souls and the spiritual world were pointed out to be influenced by Tagore and Kudou Tadatarou. On this basis, this thesis intends to further explore Wang’s ideas about souls and the spiritual world, and to specify the influences from Ishikawa, so as to get a better grasp of the characteristics of Wang’s literary activities.


1、柳書琴『荊棘之道 臺灣旅日青年的文学活動與文化抗争』聯經出版事業 2009年5月
6、郭誌光〈「真誠的純真」與「原魔」—王白淵反殖意識探微〉『中外文學』 第33卷 第五期 2004年10月
5、蘇雅楨『王白淵的文化活動與精神歷程』國立政治大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文 2010年
1、王白淵 詩文集『棘の道』盛岡久保庄書店 1931年
