  • 學位論文

台灣餐飲業在中國大陸經營管理策略研究: 以鹿港小鎮餐廳為例

Taiwan Catering Management Strategies in China: A Case Study in Bellagio Restaurant

指導教授 : 黃崇興


隨著中國大陸國民經濟的高速增長,居民的收入越來越高,受生活型態與水準改變之影響,對餐飲消費需求日益旺盛,中國大陸人民不同於以往只求基本溫飽,對於餐飲消費的需求也因此改變,現階段更重視生活品質及品味的提升,使得餐廳經營的型態逐漸趨向多元化,而知名台商連鎖品牌餐飲業者也紛紛佈局中國大陸市場拓展事業版圖。 本研究以中國大陸餐飲業的發展環境與趨勢,及台商在中國餐飲市場的現況做為研究對象,採文獻分析法與個案研究法來呈現餐飲業的發展歷程,從餐廳經營者和管理者的角度進行研究,探討餐飲業經營者的理念與動機,並了解餐廳的經營模式,分析台商佈局中國大陸鎖餐飲業所採取的經營管理策略,以及在經營過程中所遭遇的困難和挑戰。 最後,本研究經由對個案的分析,除了描繪個案的經營現況與歷程,並根據研究結果做整理與分析,對個案分別就生產管理、行銷管理、人力資源管理、研發管理及財務管理等層面做評估,提出綜合討論與分析,並提出具體的改善和建議,提供有意在中國大陸從事餐飲業的台商可以參考的方向。


With the rapid growth of economy in Mainland China, residents who have high-income and are affected by changes in lifestyle and standard of subject demand for food and beverage strongly; unlike in the past, people ask for the simple food and clothing only in need. As a result, food consumption is also changed, and people pay more attention to enhance living quality. So business model in restaurant develop multiple types. Some well-known restaurant chains owned by Taiwanese expand business market to China. Development and trend of the Chinese catering industry are studied as the background, and this paper focuses on the status of Taiwanese who do catering in the Chinese market. Analysis on literature reviews and case studies help to present the process of development in the restaurant industry. In addition, from two perspectives by restaurant owners and by managers, we discuss the idea and motivation generated by the catering operators, and we analyze the restaurant business model, the management strategy, difficulties, and challenge. Finally, the case study shows the operation status and managing history. According to the study results, it provides comprehensive discussion and analysis including production management, marketing management, human resource management, development management, financial management, and other aspects. It provides specific improvements and suggestions. And it intends to provide a reference for Taiwanese who have restaurant industry in the Mainland China.


11. 鄧瓊芳,小餐館賺大錢100招.北京市,北京工業大學出版社,2010年11月
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